I will be deactivating my account, and encouraging everyone ...
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I will be deactivating my account, and encouraging everyone I know to do so as well until AirBnB board aligns itself with the...
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Hi everyone,
I'm delighted to share that the Community Center team has grown 2/3's bigger. Myself, @Lizzie and @Quincy are elated to introduce @Nick and @Liv to the English speaking CC team!
As the previous last new addition over a year ago, I'm passing the torch and am super excited to bring in some new blood with fresh ideas to support our fantastic hosting community. I'll let them both introduce themselves below!
Nick will be losing his numbers before you know it so don't worry about remembering them too much!
Hello @Helen427!
We're lucky to be learning from the best, then 🙂
I haven't been to New Zealand yet either, but it's definitely on my list! If you ever plan a trip to Brazil, I'd be happy to give you some tips.
Thanks for the warm welcome!
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Hi @Helen427
Thanks for the welcome and your warm wishes! As for @Stephanie , no pressure there, eh?
To be fair she is irreplaceable, but I'm hoping that with yours and other member's help we'll do a good job for as long as she is enjoying the baby. Please don't hesitate to send any tips and advice our way. Not only we want but need your input, we are here to help you and the community at the end of the day.
I'm assuming you also have pet(s) so will definitely have a lot to talk about. It is a real same about strays in Greece - both dogs and cats. People get them and then abandon them, to say the least. I actually found Tricky inside a garbage bin late at night. I went downstairs to throw my rubbish and heard his cries from inside the bin. I had to climb and get inside, where I found him in a plastic bag left to die at 3 months of age. Took him upstairs, then the next morning to the vet, and we are inseparable ever since. He even followed me in the UK - you can say he landed nicely on his paws.
On a happier note, I have actually SEEN this T-shirt in many Greek islands, and have smiled myself. If I'm honest, I might have even used it as an excuse on a few occasions...
Thanks, @Gordon0!
We're happy to be here 🙂
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Hello @Gordon0
Thank you for the welcome! The timing is interesting, to say the least. It's comforting knowing we are all in this together, and hopefully, we'll be back to normality soon - I want to meet my new colleagues in person and travel.
Hello, @Βασίλης-and-Ann0! Thanks for the warm welcome 🙂
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Καλημέρα @Βασίλης-and-Ann0
Χαίρομαι πολύ για το νέο μου ξεκίνημα και που είμαι μέρος της κοινότητας, αλλά και που βρίσκω εδώ έναν συμπατριώτη μου! Από όσο έχω δει πρόκεται είναι ένα συλλογικό και δημιουργικό μέρος και θέλω να κάνω ό,τι καλύτερο μπορώ για να παραμείνει τέτοιο. Κάθε πρόταση και βοήθεια είναι καλοδεχούμενη. Ευχαριστώ και πάλι!
(Not a bug, I was saying in my native language how happy I am to see a fellow Greek here and to be part of this community. From what I've seen so far it is a vibrant, collaborative and creative space. I'll do my very best to keep it this way).
Hallo gyus from Greece.How are things going here i see a big damage in tourism and travelling but we have to be optimistic for our country and callibrate the idea of safety in our community.We have to show people our safety situation and conditions.Do not hesitate to come to Greece we are having no problems health.We are secure with the sun light to stand in every corner of Greece land.Lets talk about it!
Hi @Jessica-and-Henry0, thanks for welcoming us to the Community! We're also really looking forward to getting to know you 🙂
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Thank you @Jessica-and-Henry0 ! It's good to be here. Both of us are eager to learn about your stories and experiences and getting to know you.