Unable to edit cleaning fee

Unable to edit cleaning fee

Hi, I'm unable to edit the cleaning fee on our listing.  Pressing save does not save the new price. No error.


We did have a third party software attached to our account but now removed over a week ago.


Also raised with air b and b support but awaiting a reply.


Things tried:  different browsers, different devices (laptop/phone), tried pressing enter, clicking outside the box, clearing cache etc. Different values. 


Any ideas or anyone managed to solve this issue themselves before?




3 Replies 3

Hi @Hali2411   I'm having the same issue for months now and Airbnb could not help. They suggested duplicating my listings which I think is not such a great idea since it took me some time to build up the traffic on my pages. 

@Hali2411did you ever have this issue resolved? I'm having the same issue now 

Did anybody ever get theirs resolved? I’ve also tried many things. Contact Airbnb support several times for weeks and they keep saying tech team is working on it. Case then closed and still unresolved 😞