We’ve lost our superhost badge even though we are still superhosts

Level 2
Southampton, United Kingdom

We’ve lost our superhost badge even though we are still superhosts

14 Replies 14
Level 10
Orono, ME

Your co-host Steve is the Superhost, @Sue1666 . The reviews are tied to his profile so he wears the badge.

Level 2
Southampton, United Kingdom

So why has the badge disappeared after being there for a year?

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You would need to ask him @Sue1666 


Have you/he cancelled a booking?


Have you looked under the performance stats?


If you are meeting the requirements you will need to contact Airbnb. 

Level 2
Southampton, United Kingdom

Neither of us has cancelled a booking.


Performance stats are good on Steve’s account.


We are meeting all requirements, and have just been told that we have retained our

Superhost status, but the badge and any mention of Superhost has disappeared from our listing!

Our concern is that without the badge etc, a lot of guests will not even see our place, let alone book it!




If you "want the badge back" put Steve as the primary host. He is the super host. All reviews are tied to HIS account. Take a look at your profile and then his profile to see the difference.

Level 2
Southampton, United Kingdom

We have made Steve primary host, so the badge comes back.

However, the SH label on the cover photo doesn’t!

This means if anyone searches for SH only, they don’t see our place, which was Steve’s concern all along.


We think this means there is a technical fault which needs fixing urgently, so have reported it to the resource centre.


@Sue1666 Steve is a super host:


Screen Shot 2020-10-06 at 12.25.48 PM.png

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

@Emilia42  Even married with the co-host...

@Emiel1 Married or not, the rules are strict 😉

Level 10
Orono, ME

@Sue1666 Have you changed your settings? Did you and Steve switch places as to who is the primary host?


Screen Shot 2020-10-05 at 5.07.52 PM.png

Level 2
Southampton, United Kingdom

We swapped places after this happened to see if it would rectify it, but the badge was still missing so we swapped back to how we’ve been since October 19, with Steve as listing admin and me as primary host.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Can’t you put him as the primary host @Sue1666 

@Sue1666 The main point here is that there can not be two super hosts. A listing has a primary account holder who carries all the reviews for that listing. In your case, it is Steve. Steve will be the super host. You could take Steve's account and change it to "Steve and Sue" and have one account in which you both operate and login too. But you will never both be superhost unless you each have your own listings where you are the primary hosts. 

Level 10
Clearwater, KS

@Sue1666  The same thing happened to my husband and I. Something changed with the system recently because I had been primary host on both our listing no problem and superhost tags showed up on our listings and guests could search using superhost filter and find us. Then within the last month or so it disappeared even though my husband’s superhost status was in good standing. I switched him back to primary host a few days ago and finally yesterday superhost status was restored. So change your husband back to primary host and give it a few days. 
Here is my resent post on this. 

“It’s not where you go, it’s who you meet along the way.” Wizard of Oz