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როგორია თქვენი მოლოდინები წელს?
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On Brians first video he had mentioned that he was going to put out to all our previous guests that if they wanted to donate to us hosts that they could. Even a small donation could really add up for so many. I thought this was brilliant and was going to go donate to people who have hosted me but I don't see anywhere that we can do that. Anyone know anything about this.
As a host, you can see it under Account -> Payments & Payouts -> Guest contributions, @Hollie6 . I hurried and toggled "allow contributions" to off as soon as a host pointed it out here in the forum. I don't want guests thinking I am asking them for money. I also don't like that they will be told it was because they gave the host five stars. They won't give anyone five stars again if they think it means a "tip for hard times" will later be expected.
But I'm also a guest, and, like you, I was expecting an email asking me to donate to my past hosts. Nothing has arrived. Maybe this campaign is being rolled out slowly? Maybe it has been canned because so many of us were appalled by it?
It's nice of you to want to donate. I'm glad you asked the question!
Thanks for your input! I can see where you would think thats begging for a handout or tip but I loved the idea and was excited to go donate to all the people who have hosted me, make someones day. Imagine if all your guests left only a a couple bucks, that could really add up and relieve so many of us who make a living from Airbnb. I think there are many different scenarios and if you only do this as a side hustle your perspective will be very different. I was expecting an email too and if worded properly would be awesome.
Thanks for your input! I can see where you would think thats asking for a handout or tip but I loved the idea and was excited to go donate to all the people who have hosted me, make someones day. Imagine if all your guests left only a a few bucks, that could really add up and relieve so many of us who make a living from Airbnb. I think there are many different scenarios and if you only do this as a side hustle your perspective will be very different. I was expecting an email too and if worded properly would be awesome.
Personally I would hate Airbnb to go back and ask my past guests to give me money to support my business or to ask guests going forward @Hollie6
The majority of people are struggling now financially and it doesn't seem right to me a) to ask people in the current circumstances and b) I would be highly uncomfortable asking guests for money on top of the price they pay for the listings even once the pandemic has meant things are getting back to normal.
I do have some guests who have given my lovely gifts from candles and flowers to chocolates and taking me out for breakfast and cooking me food from their country which has been lovely. But ask them for a tip 'or donation' as you call it. For me it's just wrong.
Just to be clear, I didn't come up with this idea, I just thought it was great. People are very capable of making their own choices. If they want to donate they can and if they can't they don't have to. Some people are still making a living and wanting to help, while others like me have been completely cut off from my income. I'm happy to share with others and donate in order to keep money flowing. I think you're in a very different situation as you rent out a room in your home. I have houses with mortgages and bills and this is my business and has been for over 5 years. I do appreciate you input! Blessings, Hollie
Hi @Hollie6
Just because I 'just rent out a room' doesn't mean that I don't have a mortgage or bills to pay or that the reduction in income due to not being able to do Airbnb hasn't affected me financially.
Lots of hosts like yourself with multiple properties also work, so have other sources of income. It is not just home share hosts that have other sources of income. It is great that you are able to support yourself just on STR income (although of course risky, and for me I am too risk adverse to rely on an unstable income stream like STRs).
I do wish all the best for you and yours and hopefully you are able to take advantage of mortgage breaks, welfare benefits and being able to move your properties over to LTRs.
I also felt it a bit odd to ask for a donation from previous guests so I have switched off this function (although it seems it isn't working anyway).
What I WOULD think is sensible is for Airbnb to ask guests cancelling for free if they would like to give the host a small percentage of their 100% refund to help with the hosts fixed costs. I am sure that many would see this as fair (as long as they were not pressured in any way to do so).
Oh and another thought....
I came across the ability to opt out of these requests by accident when I was looking in my account for something else.
Why don't Airbnb just drop an e-mail to hosts when they make changes to the system especially when there is a function that you are automatically enrolled in whether you like it or not.
I personally associate the word *donation* with charity (humanitarian aid) or for a specific cause.
People who choose to host are hosting for personal financial gain. Maybe as a side gig or supplementary income. Or if your primary income comes from hosting then you're self-employed or a small(?) business owner.
Which is why I feel hosts are not recipients I'd consider appropriate for *donations* and why I think Airbnb sending out these requests for donations on behalf of hosts is inappropriate and cringe-worthy.
Yes.... guests can decided for themselves what they want to do. But I'd be completely embarrassed and appalled at the thought of my previous guests getting an email from Airbnb (which they will assume was sent on my behalf) begging for money to *help Jessica & Henry pay their bills/mortgage* during this difficult time. Arggghhh~~~~
I agree completely @Jessica-and-Henry0 the use of the term donation is normally used for charitable causes not to prop up private businesses in some cases those those earning tens or hundreds of thousands each year.
That's why I turned off the option for Airbnb to ask my guests for money as soon as it came out.
Yup.... me too. Soon as I saw we could turn it off I did.
While chatting with some of my previous guests I am still in contact with, I mentioned the possibility of them getting such an email, told them I personally would be mortified if they were to receive anything like that with our names associated and we really do not want them to think we support or condone asking former guests for contributions or donations.... and it has nothing to do with us. That we honestly do not want or expect charity from anyone - there is no reason for us to!
It was a light, casual conversation....and we joked about it bit.... but......... arggghhh~~~