What do you have your habit in this summer?

Level 10
Chiba, Japan

What do you have your habit in this summer?



In August is the hottest day in the all season for me.

It's very very hot and humid in my town...


I have a habit that take a shower at twice during the summer.

After that, I drink some cold juice or have fruits jelly at home.

It could be better at the moment!


As an event, It is taken place in the fireworks everywhere.

When I was a childhood, I had frequently went to there with my family.


Unfortunately, It have been cancelled it until last years by pandemic.

but now, we could see again from this year.


Do you have any plan which are you going to spent in this summer?

The image of fireworks from istockphoto.The image of fireworks from istockphoto.


3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Minako10, yet another lovely topic 😊


Last weekend, my family visited me, and we went for a stroll around the city. Perhaps, not the nicest stroll due to the warm weather. We stayed well hydrated, and visited the Shard (London's tallest building). 


We visited a restaurant afterwards, which happened to be a Japanese one! 😃 I'm currently having a nice cold soda as I'm typing this message 👀


Below you can see the weather forecast for the next few days. 


Screenshot from yesterdayScreenshot from yesterday


What are your plans? 😃



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It has been a lot of heating days recently.

But now, typhoon is coming and falling rain 🌧

and cool, as the wind come in the room.


I also love some cold juices in the summer.

However I can't drink soda...


Well...I come back to my grandparents home.

I will be refraining from going outside and I will stay at my room and watch some movies.

because, outside is heating and It looks like catching dizzy ....





That's the best condition to eat ice cream in the summer.

While I cook in the kitchen, I can't stop sweat like a sauna!

Even though, I also tried to make warm cuisine... such as German style.

It was spicy and hot.


I usually live in that is located in the near the coast side.

I feel comfortable at night than noon.



Level 10
London, United Kingdom



We have been having a very hot summer by UK standards. In London, we recently had the hottest weather in recorded history (I think it was 40 degrees Celcius) and also the driest weather since 1976!


I am fortunate in that I can handle hot weather better than most people here. Also, the ground floor of my house is comfortably cool, and that's where I work, so it's not too bad. I like to drink coffee, but in hot weather, I often opt for an iced coffee instead. It's also good to avoid heavy food. Yesterday, I made a ramen noodle soup!


Many people here will go on holiday in August. I don't have a holiday planned as it's quite a busy time for me work wise. However, I will be going to the seaside next weekend with my mother and we will be staying at an Airbnb. It has a balcony, which is nice!