What local carnival, events or traditions do you recommend to guests staying at your place?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

What local carnival, events or traditions do you recommend to guests staying at your place?

What local Carnaval events or traditions do you recommend to guests staying at your place_ .jpg
Hello everyone! 😄
February has passed, and with it, we celebrated Carnival. In many countries, Carnival is one of the most important events of the year, where everyone takes the opportunity to pick a costume and celebrate with their family and friends. 🎭
In some places, there are parades, parties, and themed bars where everyone is dressed up, among other festivities. If your city is involved in Carnival, how do you celebrate it as a host? Do you change anything in your listing or add decorations? Are there any events that you recommend your guests to attend? 🎉
If you love Carnival, show us how you celebrate it here in the comments. 🤗
Looking forward to hearing from all of you.

1 Reply 1
Level 1
Kingston, Jamaica

With my listing being in Kingston, Jamaica Carnival is very popular for the month of April. You have people who vacation for that sole purpose and so I always make recommendations as to where they can get good food late at night (or on Sundays when a lot of places are closed), what specific events are the preferable ones, and even politely recommend where not to go. At the end of the day the goal is to have the safest, most enjoyable experience for my guests and so if they don’t know Kingston that well I definitely give recommendations as to where or where not to go. I don’t typically do any decorations until Christmas time though lol.