What makes you most happy about hosting?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

What makes you most happy about hosting?

Hosting on Airbnb.jpg


Hi everyone!

As we dive into the month of August and celebrate Happiness month, it's a great time to reflect on our Hosts' Airbnb journey and hear what brings them joy while hosting. Hosting and hospitality is not just limited to providing a stay to the guests, but it also provides an avenue to create memorable experiences, building connections, and finding success and happiness in the little moments.


So I'd like to hear from our Hosts, what makes you happy the most when it comes to hosting? 😍 We're curious to hear what brings you joy in your hosting journey! 🌟😻




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119 Replies 119
Level 2
Royal Tunbridge Wells, United Kingdom

I love this question. It made me smile. I'm quite new to Air BNB. I started in April 2024 and it has been fun. I have found Air BnB phone support helpful when I needed it. I think I have called about 4 times to ask about something.


Most of all I have loved the wonderful people who have stayed and having a chance to see just a glimpse of other people's worlds. we have people stay for work,  for a funeral, a holiday, to visit family and use us as temporary accommodation when moving to the country. 

I particularly enjoy making everything as nice as possible for a new guest. (Who would have thought doing the domestic chores could be OK)

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

@Caroline2851 ! Thanks so much for sharing this positive note and so happy to hear that it made you smile 😍😌 Sounds like you've had a variety of guests come and stay at your listing😉 


Haha, it's inspiring to read that you particularly enjoy providing the best of the things for guests. Has there been a memorable interaction with a guest so far? 😍



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Hi there!

What I enjoy most about hosting is providing a beautiful, peaceful home for families to make memories in.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

That's wonderful to hear @Wendy1672 😍 I noticed that you've been hosting since 5 glowing years! Do you have any memorable interactions or moments with hosting families? 🎉 How do you ensure a smoother stay for your guests as a Superhost? 😉



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I love hosting because it allows me to provide a beautiful, peaceful home for families. Seeing them make cherished memories here is incredibly fulfilling. It's a joy to create a welcoming space for everyone.

Level 2
Nabburg, Germany

Uns gefallen daran viele Dinge. Das Schönste ist, Menschen für Ihre doch sehr kostbare „Freizeit“ wirklich glücklich machen zu können, in dem sie den spieit unserer Airbnb‘s am Wasser spüren.

wir hatten auch schon frische verheiratete Liebespaare, die Ihre Flitterwochen bei uns verbrachten und sich mit einem langen Brief bedankten. Wir hätten ihnen unvergessliche Stunden geschenkt an unserem Airbnb am Mühlweiher! DAS ist das Schönste, im Gedächtnis von anderen Menschen für immer zu bleiben  


[Translation added by Community Manager] 

We like a lot of things about it. The best thing is being able to make people really happy for their very precious "free time" by letting them experience the splendor of our Airbnbs by the water.

We have also had newly married couples who spent their honeymoon with us and thanked us with a long letter. We had given them unforgettable hours at our Airbnb by the Mühlweiher! THAT is the best thing, to stay in other people's memories forever

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hallo @Sonja361 ! Ihre Unterkunft am Wasser sieht mit den üppigen grünen Ausblicken wirklich wunderschön aus.

Vielen Dank, dass Sie die tolle Erfahrung, die Sie mit dem frischen Brautpaar hatten, mit uns geteilt haben. Was machen Sie üblicherweise, um Gästen einen unvergesslichen Aufenthalt zu bieten und was sind Ihre Lieblingstricks, den Aufenthalt zu verschönern?


Hi @Sonja361 , Your listing by the water looks absolutely beautiful with lush green views 😍  


Thanks so much for sharing with us of your wonderful experience with the newly married couple! How do you usually ensure each guest has a memorable experience, and what are some of your favorite ways to enhance their stay?



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Level 2
England, United Kingdom

What makes me happy is being able to [provide a safe and friendly environment for people to stay whether it be on business or for pleasure. I like to share my local knowledge of the area so they can make the most of their stay and explore places not advertised in tourist information.


Having people to stay ha also made me more hose proud and motivated to keep my place scrupulously clean at all times.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Di98 , Thanks so much for sharing this lovely comment with us 😍 It’s amazing to hear how much you value creating a welcoming and friendly space for guests. Do you have a guidebook that you usually share with guests to explore local delicacies and places?

Have you had any memorable guest interactions or stories that are etched in your memory forever? 🌻



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Level 2
Kidron, OH

We have a guest book in the house where guests can jot down a few lines about themselves and their stay, and sometimes they will leave the most beautiful notes. Such an encouragement!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

@Henry714 It must be so heart warming to read those wonderful notes left by guests😍 Do you have a favorite note or quote shared by a guest for your listing, that continues to inspire you towards providing best hospitality? 😉



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Level 2
Houston, TX

For me, the joy of providing a space that people can enjoy and relax. I am a huge lover of life and it brings me lots of joy when I put smiles on people’s faces. Also the joy of meeting new people, learning about them and their cultures, hobbies. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

@Stella407 You've shared such a beautiful thought ! I guess many Hosts would agree that bringing smiles on people's face and bringing joy to the people you host is one of the biggest perk of hospitality 🌻



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Yes I have!!! I learned to incorporate some Indian spices into my traditional daily meals from an Indian guest from Canada  who spent two weeks with us and used our kitchen for his meals. That was 3 years ago. 
I also learned about Senegalese traditional attires and a famous meal made out of cabbage and rice and tomatoes from a guest who was in the US for work and stayed with us for 5 days.