@Terri38 I suspect that their odd behaviour stemmed from not reading the listing description carefully enough, & then checking in & finding your place other than what they had expected. Hence the 'odd'.
- I reckon if it was genuinely a family emergency, they wouldn't have checked in at all, but phoned or messaged to cancel, or you'd have heard the phone ring & them answer appropriately.......
I'd give them 5* for cleanliness & house rules, cos they weren't around long enough to transgress, but I'd mark them down on communication for the way in which they presented & then left... (If I'd been summoned to a sick or dying relative, or the house on fire at home, I'd say so, to let the host know I wasn't spurning them or their home...)
I've only experienced anything like that once... I welcomed a couple in, we had 15 mins chat over tea, all cordial, then I showed them their room upstairs. At once I could hear the wife wailing, they then came downstairs & the husband said "It's not you, she's got a problem." The wife said she didn't know I had stairs & she struggled. But I think there was more to it than that.... Maybe my place was too ramshackle & lived in? Their reviews on the rest of their trip showed satisfaction with new, white, boxy, entire places.....