This is garbage that Joe Gebbia is out trying to destroy the...
This is garbage that Joe Gebbia is out trying to destroy the USA government by eliminating federal workers in key slots. The...
My daughter's friends rented a house in Seattle long term (doing internship there) for summer. The host is a tenant (lease with landlord). They reserved the house from middle of May and supposed check out middle of Aug. But now, the landlord (owner) come directly to them and told them they have to be out on July 31, otherwise, they will call the police or go to court to evict them and damage their credit. My guess is that the lease between landlord and the host will end on July 31. They asked the host about it and the host just told them he is working on it. But this really bother them. The host should know the lease not renewed long time ago (normally 60 days before to notice if renew or not). But he didn't told my daughter's friends. They contacted Airbnb, Airbnb just told them they (Airbnb) will contact host. But the thing is the host can just told the Airbnb what he told the guests (he is working on it). But the landlord is threating them to call the police, go to court,... How can that be a good living there?
@Z-2 Z-2 Sorry but your friends either have an Airbnb booking or a tenancy ,not both.If they have an Airbnb booking without the owners knowledge then they have an illegal booking and its possible the original tenant has already been paid and is well gone.If this is the case then the owner owes them nothing and they are illegal tenants and can be removed by police. If they have a booking with Airbnb then they must ask for All of their money back because this booking with Airbnb should not have happened ever. So get them to ask Airbnb to re house them as soon a possible before the booking ends. They have no right to stay there at all .It is up to Airbnb to get their money back . H. Good Luck. This host should be banned
@Helen744 I think the owner might be know his tenant is doing Airbnb but don’t want to renew the lease anymore. Also this host has a lots of Airbnb listings. I think might be that’s why Airbnb want to wait for the host working on it. But my daughter’s friends don’t believe the host because the landlord just doesn’t want to talk and want them leave. But do allow them to stay until July 31.
@Z-2 If Airbnb have been notified of this situation at all then I would assume that this host would already be suspended in all of their listings, I do not think that Airbnb would be 'working on it ' in this situation because that would imply that they are turning a blind eye to the situation . Either these people have not contacted Airbnb at all but only the land lord or a part of this story is missing. H
@Helen744 I wouldn't be waiting until the booking ends, nor would i expect or rely upon Abb to rehouse me.
I assume the furniture belongs to the host, so they likely aren't "gone". This could be some kind of scam, or just mismanagement (Hanlon's razor applies here).
@Gillian166 no Neither would I, but someone has paid someone money , possibly a lot of money .The money trail will lead to either Airbnb or this hosts personal pocket or the owners pocket . These possibly confused and young people need some help .Airbnb can cancel them now based on this I guess and retrieve some or all of their money . It sounds like they were not given the facts or thought that a renewal was automatic which it never is with Airbnb, as its not a tenancy or a lease. If they think that they can stay based on assuming a tenancy and the need for 60 days and a court case to get them out and trying for a two month free stay then it is a legal situation and nothing to do with this page. If they are not prepared to bring this to Airbnb then something is wrong all round and this has more than one scammer,.
@Helen744 @Gillian166 They already talked to Airbnb and Airbnb told them they will contact host first. So far, Airbnb haven’t replied them back or give anything. They do worry about if they can get refund if they move to some other place without Airbnb agree. They hope Airbnb can give them a place to continue live until their internship end. My daughter told me that host have a lots of listings on Airbnb.
@Helen744 I merely said I wouldn't rely on Airbnb, i didn't suggest they don't complain and put in a request for a refund, etc. I'm not sure where you have this idea they have any automatic renewal, or assuming a tenancy. Did I miss something in the situation?
They need to take personal action here, rather than hoping "the system" will rescue them.
"They hope Airbnb can give them a place to continue live until their internship end"
where does airbnb find this place? you think they have a cache of empty apartments?
at the rate ABB moves i wouldn't be relying on them.
If the host cancels the booking on July 31 then a refund should be issued for the remaining 2 weeks. I'd be searching NOW for places that have vacancy for those final 2 weeks they need. ABB might come through, I hope that's the case, but I'd have a PlanB up my sleeve too. @Z-2
@Gillian166 I think the young adults just try to ask Airbnb to find a replacement hoping then they don’t need pay a lots more by that way. Since the current one is long term rate, if find another place, it’s short term, the rate will be much higher, also it’s not much choice now and hard to find place. Those kids (college students) come to me to ask suggestions since they know I am doing Airbnb. But really, I don’t know how can I help but ask them to contact Airbnb.
@Z-2 I do not know everything that has happened but I do agree with Gillian that now is the time to move and definitely to get Air on the job as well. I would start by contacting Air and reporting the host as far as you know . H
No, I don't think you missed anything. The OP's reference to 'tenant' was regarding the host, not the guests.
@Helen744 It's a long term stay, but these kids just want somewhere to stay until the end of their internships, i.e. the stay that they booked. They are not trying to claim tenants' rights.
Airbnb is required to rehome them in a place that is equal or better. It’s in the new terms of service. This is one of the rare cases where I think the host should pay any and all additional costs as a penalty.
I agree!
That's not good. You will have to find another location plus received a refund for the days cut short. I would not wait until the tenant is removed. I would work a new location ASAP. Good luck!
@Z-2 The landlord has requested that they leave. They do not have his permission to stay. The host is not helping and is apparently ghosting the guests. It does not matter if the host has other listings. The landlord says leave.
The guests need to immediately find another accommodation, not with the current host and possibly not with Airbnb.