When its cold outside what do I do in Florida? Fire up the oven and BAKE!

Level 10
Pensacola, FL

When its cold outside what do I do in Florida? Fire up the oven and BAKE!

Fig Chutney Galette/PfannkuchenFig Chutney Galette/PfannkuchenRoselle sliceRoselle sliceRoselle JamRoselle JamReady for the oven - cast iron skilletReady for the oven - cast iron skillet


I've been really busy with our garden and harvesting everything possible...so when I saw a Youtube video with Elliott Homesteader baking this Galette I had to give it a try....I used my own home grown Roselle Jam and also homemade Fig Chutney for a savory pie. Both delicious and so much easier than baking a pie. Shall I post the Recipe?? Any of my buddies interested?? @Ann72 , @Cathy19 , Laurene, @Christine615 , Stephanie, Lizzie, Jessica, Robin - sorry finding names and numbers proves difficult in the moment. sorry. Anyway, we should have a cook along again??? Anybody interested?

Blessings all,



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19 Replies 19

@Stephanie @Christine615 @Ann72 @Lawrene0  Can hardly wait to say hello to everyone....hope it will be next week!! ?Thursday?? 

Till soon, hugs all

Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Clara116 my first taste of a galette was 2 years ago when we met up with our exchange student from 30 years ago as we had always kept in contact. I have been wanting to makie one and these pictures have have spurred me on will try to have it ready for the cook up ?? zoom meet (late night supper for me usually 12 midnight). Let us know when it is @Stephanie as we will have to have an imaginary taste test. 

@Laurelle3 how cool to hear your story about a galette and your former exchange student from long ago. I was surprised how relatively easy it is to make...of course, that depends on what's the main ingredient or centerpiece, since I am using home grown, home made chutney/jam that did take a load of time and effort but other than that it was an easy effort.  Hope we all meet up on a  zoom meet up and do taste & smell along together. Blessings, Clara


Yum!!!! @Clara116 I will look at your photos and pretend what I'm eating is NOT store-bought frozen cheesecake next weekend. 


Looking forward to the CC social next week~ @Stephanie @Christine615 @Ann72 @Lawrene0 @Debra300 

@Jessica-and-Henry0  Hi, yes do pretend and let me know how good that works please. haha


I too am looking forward to seeing an chatting with everyone next week....till soon

enjoy that cheesecake!