
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Why does AirBnB continue to have no recourse door false reviews?

Level 2
Vermont, United States

Why does AirBnB continue to have no recourse door false reviews?

I'm fairly new to AirBnB and really trying hard for superhost status.  Due to only having a couple dozen reviews any star ratings below 5 really hurt.  I've only had a couple and was just below 4.9 when a recent guest gave me a bunch of really low star ratings for the simple fact he chose not to read.  I know he can read because he is almost a doctor now.  He railed on me and n his reviews for things I clearly explained on the listing such as where the free parking was ( not ALL the parking in the entire city is free) and the fact that there is construction debris out back, out a separate entrance from an ongoing project which I clearly explain, state that area if the property is NOT included but undergoing work to be a future amenity and please excuse the appearance.  He still complained about it and all it is is a small pile of old vinyl siding that was removed.  He complain ned about trim around a kitchen window (seriously!) And that he was worried about people seeing in through a thin shade in the bathroom (you CANNOT see in, it just lets light in) and he complained about there not being a sign.  It's an AirBnB not a Hotel!  And I CLEARLY explain where it is (in addition to the address) and even have several pictures leading up to the porch and of the actual front door.  NOBODY else has even mentioned this or struggled but he was not smart enough to figure it out.  In addition, he showed up early so I was still there, about to leave and verbally explained all the parking options in great detail (yet again! As there are explained in the listing as well) and he still complains not all city parking is free.  He also complained about the high price (which is 90% due to city taxes and other fees I have no control over.... So don't book it!) So the guy is clearly VERY high maintaince and hammers me with the star review without mentioning any concerns or giving me any opportunity to correct anything or address any misunderstanding and THAT'S what keeps my rating below 4.8 and AirBnB claims that's the review system working as intended to provide "integrity" to reviews.  Some integrity.  That's like giving a farmhouse in Nebraska a 2 star rating because it has no ocean view (even though none was claimed in the description).  Bring it to the attention of AirBnB in hopes they have a process to mitigate this and..... Integrity!  Yeah, OK.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Alberta, Canada


@Bart254 In defense of the guest, your listing does actually state free parking. And your description is unclear re the backyard/deck area. In 'the space' section you state "The back deck and small yard are accessible but have not yet been refinished." Yet in 'guest access' further down you say "Currently the small back deck and yard are a work in progress and should not be utilized at this time." 


I read the review the guest left and your response. You should ask Airbnb to remove your response. The thing to keep in mind with review responses is that in them you are addressing future guests, not the reviewing guest (who will never read it). The purpose is to set straight any inconsistencies, and to reassure potential guests that booking with you is a good idea. Your response comes across as unhinged, and will turn many guests off.


Guests who will be high maintenance, fussy, or difficult in any way tend to reveal that in initial comms. Learn what to be watchful for re red flags, and don't be afraid to decline. Guests like that are rarely worth the payout.

Just seeing this, but if you read the description it tells you where free parking is.  It's not an all or nothing situation here... Right out front is metered, a block away it's free.  But My listings have increased and people mention my comment , specifically other hosts who whole heatedly agree so I'm leaving it there... And I'm also displaying literature to competitors sites in my house so I can transition to a better platform .... For other even more egregious situations ABB is simply a joke that uses and abused it's hosts...