I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
Hey everyone,
March 3rd marked the World Wildlife Day, a date dedicated to raising awareness towards the world’s wild fauna and flora by keeping sustainable development in mind.
As we think of different ways of leading more sustainable lives, I believe this is a great opportunity for us to celebrate the extraordinary diversity of wildlife that our planet has to offer.
If you live in a big city, you might have been pleasantly surprised by wild animals taking to the streets during lockdown - a good reminder that animals have always lived around the area. I also know that for many of you, wildlife spotting is not unusual, as several of your listings are surrounded by nature.
As a way of celebrating this date and reflecting on its importance, it would be great to hear your stories and experiences regarding fauna and flora in your surroundings.
Are there any wild animals near your listing? Have you got any great wildlife pictures to share?
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@Helen427 @Dale711 @Mary996 @Melodie-And-John0 @John5097 @Robin4 @Cathie19 @Ria16
I have a feeling you might enjoy this one 🐒 🌺 🐬 ✨
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Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention @Liv and all participants. Such an important matter to observe. Wildlife and Wilderness is to be celebrated and not tidied up.....!!!!
Here in Swansea we have wild ponies on the local commons and as my elderly mare who died a couple of years ago now (she made it to age 38) was running with one of the wild herds in her retirement I got involved and continued feeding the group she was with and others who came to share as well . It was such a priviledge to get to know them and the winter hay was always enjoyed by them.
@Mary996 Oh, that sounds lovely! Have you got any pictures of them to share? 😍
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Thanks @Liv for your kind interest. I'm trying to find a number of photos at the moment and will include these in my search.
I had no idea the 3rd was World Wildlife Day! I took the opportunity to read up about it. Started by The UN in 2013, March 3rd was chosen as it was the date on 1973 of signature of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
Each year has a different theme. This year, 2021, its "Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet",
The closest thing I can think of locally that would be both Wild Fauna and Flora and sustaining people would be one of the most popular tourist attractions: Sweet Grass Baskets!
Its a local craft that has survived over 300 years and is intertwined with the areas history, and is an interesting aspect in a dark past. Back then the area had rice cultivation and the slaves from West Africa brought with them both the this craft and practice of rice cultivation in general. So the craft of basket making was passed down generation to generation all this time over 300 years. Photos of sweet grass makers on the streets along highways is one of the most iconic images of the area. The sweet grass had always grown wild so the entire family would be involved in finding it and harvesting it. More recently it has become popular as a local landscaping and is grown commercially. Although still in the wild and very beautiful growing along marsh areas.
I've just kind of summarized all of that, but the baskets are extremely popular, and lots of classes on how to craft them. Although growing up even as a child it was pretty amazing to watch some of the creations some of the local weavers would come up with. Its just something that happened on its own, but has sustained many families. It became popular as a commodity in the 1930s.
Overall though, tourism is one of the most effective ways local people can become more sustainable with forest and wildlife, by attracting tourist. So any picture of wildlife would help promote this, and Airbnb would be a great way for locals everywhere to become more sustainable with the environment by hosting visitors.
Its a very integrated community as well, so their family could also be doctors, engineers, or whatever, but still an interesting aspect of sustainability and the environment.
I didn't know either about this date. One to be observed and appreciated. This is a wonderful celebration of local enterprise! Thank you
@John5097 my reply two above was intended for you. Sorry I keep omitting tags. I am amazed and so appreciative of your contribution. This is stunning!
@Mary996 Likewise! Really appreciate your positive contributions as well. BTW I grew up here but family isn't from here, grandfather was stationed here in the Navy during WW2.
My father was in the Navy too. He served as a Navigator on HMS Belfast which is situated beside Tower Bridge now xxx
That's beautiful, @John5097! It's great that so many families are being able to make a living out of this craft.
I'm definitely going to look up videos of them making the baskets! Let me know if you have any ones to recommend 😊
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Hi, @Liv ! Starting in about June (after the full lockdown in Ontario), my job required that I quarantine between covid tests and project starts, and then for two weeks after those projects ended. It amounted to quite a lot of time at home, like everyone, but it's a nice place, and there were appearances by these world wildlife members. The backyard buzzards were a bit disconcerting, but didn't turn out to be prophets of impending doom, so all was well.
Here is a selection of the 2020 quarantine gallery:
bunch of vultures really
merlin (with pigeon...)
wheat doe
@Lawrene0 Those pictures are perfect 😍
You were certainly quarantining in great company! 💕
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