@Miguel1742 Glad to hear you got your money back. And that the so-called "host" has been made aware that he has been busted by users.
A word of advice- when looking for something to book, try to stay away from these property-manager listings that have dozens or hundreds of listings. They seem to be able to get away with all sorts of scaammy behavior that regular hosts can't. Airrbnb seems to turn a blind eye to their nefarious behavior.
Look for listings with hands-on hosts, with good reviews, who only have one or less than a handful of listings, who don't pull this sort of nonsense.
I know that in resort areas, it's hard to sort through these, as most listings in these areas seem to be the corporate type. But there are still homes and condos and apartments that belong to private hosts who use them as their own vacation home and rent them out the rest of the time.
That's what Airbnb used to consist of, but they have been taking on more and more of these big players, who are crowding out real hosts.