My apartment has been set up for $250 / night less discounts for 7 days 30 days etc. I also had it on immediate acceptance but Airbnb somehow booked a family for$35 / night x 7 which is ridiculous. I have written to both the family who booked to see how they could book at sutch a ridiculous amount and also to Airbnb but the booking is still there in peek season Xmas to new year. This is the 2nd time Airbnb had done this for around three same time - first group was disallowed but with this booking nothing had been done. Obviously there will be no key available for current booking. Has this happened to anyone else? What did you do?
I'm sorry for this situation. I have never allowed Instant Booking, partly for this reason. When I get a booking request, I have time to look and see if everything is as it should be.
I hope this didn't happen because of your settings for the future in your calendar?
The problem is also that I put a minimum of $180/night in the settings for low season and obviously they didn't abide by that even that Xmas to NY is high season. I guess unless Airbnb rectified their mistake the guests will suffer as no key will nne available and I will place my properties on a different site.
I just started with them and the first 5 guests were terrific.