Hi everyone! I’m from India and planning to buy a cheap hous...
Hi everyone! I’m from India and planning to buy a cheap house (like Italy’s 1 euro homes), renovate it, and rent it on Airbnb...
I am sorry to bother,buth I am at a faze of just turning of water and electric to mi guest and I revorded it,further action is after calling the police and being asked os he hurth,no,is he agressive,no,ok then throw him out,so il have a breather,calm a little bit more and then go and trow them out,days of being ignored,being treated like a lower being by "support agents",tierd of this,cald all relevant authorities,my lawyer,first of all not payed,enough,by anybodys rulles,and all obligations from my side are met,fraud...it eaven doesent mater,just inform your self people,call few numbers you will get how they are wrong,breaking some law in your country,missgiding you to do the same..butt for me in the and,My home,my property,now he is an intruderr,now i am going to defend it!!
It sounds like you are having a very stressful time with your current guest and I understand that English is probably not your first language. Still, you haven't really explained what has gone wrong so it's very hard to offer any advice.
What happened with the guest? What have they done that has made you feel like they are now an intruder in your home? If you could please expand, perhaps other hosts can make some suggestions as to what you might do in this situation.
Im fine now tnx.
It is not the guest persay,he did a couple of mistakes,witch is normal,we al do,but airbnb "suport" made it in a problem,I think.Four instance they afther a month wanted to extend four 2 more,I told the guest I will corigate the dayli price or semd him an offer so it would match agred price,he didnt wait and selekted days randomly,skiped whole february,checked march and some more random days,ok I sad to him first your are heare february,now and it is not checked,if I have an inspection It is like I am renting eligaly,screwed majorly,sekond his boking starts from 1.march so I dont get payed for a month,and you are heare,I cant cancel,he cant cancel shouted the mighty supporters,and for 7 day not one of them told us that we can do a change reservation and sort this in a minute,untill I found it,and guests apsolut dont give a f.... attitude was of great help to! That is one for instance
Sorry, still not sure I understand.
So the guest booked for one month. Later, he wanted to extend for another two months, but rather than wait for you to send the offer or alteration request, started to book random nights that did not cover his/her whole stay, but messed up your calendar because they were staying for other nights not included in the ones they booked?
Yea he picked the days untill cumulative price didnt reach agreed sum.Loock,skiped the whole february and is heare
The best is after loosing 7 day wit that now is 21 they are heare,the payment due date past,and I mean the max 7 days it should be recived and still battle every day,they say it is payed,afther the end day call your bank,i do,and the bank menager cals me fliping that who tha f....is airbnb to tel any one to call a bank,and to send him that because to them its that they are reciving payments and yust holding them for kickss,and slander and...ok,again mighty supporters,buth now hello i will help,i say what,ok ill transfer you to the expert hi will fix it fast,total silence,and 4-5 times now and ongoing,so he is free at mi home,pumping utilities expences,for free,airbnb doesnt help,he doesnt giv a **bleep**,eaven blocked me...him I can confront,he is heare,In my house,and owes me,il sort it out with him and he can then with airbnb,if he wants,cants it is not mi problem.
I do not know tenancy laws in Croatia, but is there any way you can evict this guest? Sometimes, it's just not worth the money and better to get the guest out...
he eaven tryed to baypass them and pay,but nooo,do goody me,and when you get treatment like you are a lower being,hmmmm,they want to se how far they can push it,im cool with that option two,because I know exacktli how far.
I did mi do diligance,informed my self,if I get to that point,il throw them out,keap axacktly what Im owed,I am the one that did all that i comitted to,him if he payed did two,airbnb,they stept in few so they would have some explaning to do I am showed,eaven i know what might catch me and totally akcept it,it would be apsolutelly worth it.
Still,I am tryng to sort this right way,I got great reviwes,do this for a bunch of mi friends,hear and in London(I usualy live in Lon.during fall and winter) and if I cancel,it will decline all the work alot,and only use airbnb,from day one,so I will change platform,and that is all all over,all the regulars,but of necesary!
Hi @Nikola432,
I'm really sorry you haven't had the best experience with this booking. It looks like someone from our team is looking into this and will reached out to you to resolve this concern. Thank you for your patience and also reaching out to get this taken care of.
@Nikola432 Why are you communicating with the guest via Whatsapp? You need to communicate with guests using the Airbnb messaging, so there is documentation for Airbnb to look at of what has been said between you and a guest. This is especially important when there is something contentious going on between you.
Move from Airbnb the moment you get the number,if they dont have it they cant use it!
And thake picturess when reservation ends like this,so you have,that it ended,butt they claim you canceled,amd wont send you what you canceled,becausse if you have the picture you will get modefied one,so sont bother asking,just take them
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