I have loved using Airbnb for many years but can no longer s...
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I have loved using Airbnb for many years but can no longer support an organization owned and operarated by someone who suppor...
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Airbnb's decision to fully refund YOUR money to any and all guests is an outrage. Why do hosts choose different cancellation policies? to protect our business and income, of course. So this unilateral action must be illegal and at least, most definitely disloyal to us, the "Partners". And from my perspective, they took decision without dialogue with us, their "Partners". So what if we call got together. It's the hosting version of a labor union. Us against the tyrants. Strength in numbers.
>>I just know they are here as I have been told that by someone on this forum who seems smart and trustworthy<<
Don’t believe everything you read on the internet, @Sheila22.
PS. I missed your apology to @Branka-and-Silvia0 after calling her a troll. Did it happen,
or is that fake news too?
@ Sheila22
Yes, I had 13 bookings canceled and fully refunded to my guests. I am happy about it because hosting during a pandemic would be too dangerous for me, for my guests and for my neighbors. But it doesn't matter ... I am paid for trolling anyway 😄 :))))))
Money isn't a top priority for me, especially not now.
OK. So why are you here on a post about pursuing a class action suit?
I'd love it if you would please provide proof as to who is paid by Airbnb to comment on this forum.
While you are doing so please could you also provide proof that the earth is flat, aliens exist in Area 51, the Americans never landed on the moon and that Trump was actually elected as President of the USA.
And Covid-19 doesn't exist, people get sick of 5G :))))
Thanks for your concern but I feel fairly confident in what I read and that the person was being truthful about how this forum operates. I think it's not unusual and makes sense. That is not the point.
The point is I don't think Hosts should expect to get anywhere talking about a class action suit or any other action against Airbnb (pertaining to the EC policy) on this forum. I don't want them to be discouraged by the attacks here, and I want them to come to the 'Airbnb Hosts United' FB page to have this conversation among others who Hosts who have been heavily affect by this.
It was I who agreed with Andrew0 who said that a law class suit may not succeed.
This forum/community is to exchange honest information.
I have to say I have more 382 comments so far! Remmeber that there are lots of guest that does not leave reviews!
You area acusing me of being a "troll" because what I said about class law suit?
The meaning of troll is not paid agents... However I am not a paid agent nor troll.
I have the right to have my opinion.
I have had lots of bookings cancelled and I have had losses.
I do not like the way ABB is handling it!
However, I am a rational person! I can understand the contracts and terms of use that I have agreed with.
I should be interested if other hosts of entire properties (as opposed to shared accommodation) in the UK have been forced to refund guests beyond the lockdown date (currently until the 7th of May). I had a superstrict policy in place but was aware that extenuating circumstances could apply to guests who produced a medical certificate and could not travel due to illness or death..
To use these same extenuating circumstances to include anyone affected by Coronavirus is ridiculous - who is'nt affected?
Most of my cancelled booking have been made elsewhere and disappointed guests are using pre- exisitng travel insurance policies to recoup their losses quite happliy. So why are we, as hosts, suddenly the insurers for at risk guests who booked via Airbnb?
I shall be watching closely for the actual lockdown date to be lifted in the UK. Airbnb guests who have been refunded beyond that date have no right to be encouraged to cancel adlib.
I have always pressed for Airbnb to include travel insurance for guests considering their huge fees and gross income. I consider myself fortunate to have recognised that extenuating circumstances could prove a disaster and minimised my bookings through this website.
Never did I dream that guests would be offered full refunds without a medical/death certificate surely if Airbnb survives beyond coronavirus they must see that to retain hosts they will have to offer travel insurance to guests rather than expect hosts to insure guests?
Here are some resources for your review.
How to Arbitrate Against Airbnb
Why Did Airbnb Secretly Change Its Policy?
We have spoken with a lot of unhappy hosts on both the Covid-19 refund and broader issues as well. Right now we see two basic paths:
I hope this helps. All is not lost. There is legal recourse for hosts who feel that is the right answer for their situation.