What are other folks doing about this devastating developmen...
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What are other folks doing about this devastating development. I don’t want to support DOGE but leaving Airbnb will be a hard...
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I had my worst accomodation experience in my entire life , not because of host , because of airbnb .
I feel I was stolen
After 9 days of cjeck in and everything is great I ve received an email from airbnb that the host has violated there terms , and i need to check out asap .Then I asked them what about the refund , they told me they cannot tell me anything about refund untill I confirm check out.
After I ve checked out and made another reservation with much more money they charged me the 9 nights and the cleaning fees wich i dont have any problem to oay it although it s not my fault.
I'm sorry you had this experience @Chadi12. May I ask if you have tried to get in touch with Customer Support regarding this?
I am more than happy to forward them the information you provide here, but they need to have an open case/ticket to update it with that information.
Please get back to me so I can proceed accordingly.
Thank you
Hi Nick, @Nick
I did speak with a specialist as she was the one who informed me, and when i told her this is not fair she said she knows but nothing to do.
I thought at the beginning that i will get a complete refund with an apologie but i was treated completley the opposit way.
This was the rese4vation number if you can help.
As they already charged me.
Thanks forbur help i appreciate it .
**[Sensitive information removed in line with - Community Center Guidelines]
That was your mistake Chad. They can't keep your money unless you cancel the reservation. If the host or airbnb cancels it I think you get an automatic refund. Never cancel until you get a refund of what you expect or make them cancel. Its a sneaky host/airbnb trick. The host tried to bully me into cancelling my reservation on a technicality and I refused. They just wanted to keep my money and get me out. But police can't remove you if you have paid in full which airbnb makes sure you do. The host know it. Airbnb knows it but they take advantage of nice guests who don't realize their game. Disgusting.
Airbnb does not care about guests. I have been treated in a similar way - "so sorry for your inconvenience but nothing I can do" Total BS. Airbnb has become and uncaring moneygrubbing service. This poor person will never see that money again but airbnb will provide him countless agents who will either apologize or pretend to help but trust me - it will go nowhere. Empty promises and apolgies. That's all I've ever gotten from airbnb.
Airbnb is not here for the customers!! All they care about is taking your money. We had a horrible host and asked for a portion of money to be refunded. Because the house didn’t have the amenities as advertised. Airbnb is scared to lose hosts so they will almost always side with them. Airbnb will not exist in a few years so to the lack of customers support and hosts being **bleep** down by the neighborhoods they operate in.
Helen744 Hi Chadi 12,I have never heard of Airbnb telling someone to move out without some type of communication with the host as well? I would have stayed until I had talked to the host especially if there was no apparent problem and you had already paid. Did the host come and tell you to leave ?It sounds odd as hell.