booking cacellation

Level 1
Paris, France

booking cacellation

we are trying to cancel or postpone 2 bookings end of November : 

** and **

because of the cacellation of an event in Monaco and also because our team from USA cannot join due to Covid restriction.

its really not acceptable that RBNB cannot help us in this very critical situation and fruit the Covid global situation!!!!! .

could you please come back to us

kind regards


**[Reservation number hidden - Community Center Guidelines]


1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Nadine596 This is a community forum and not Airbnb customer support. 

We might be able to help however if you tell us when the bookings were made.

If prior to March 14th then you should be Ok in time. If after March 14th then did you know about the Covid risk and either took travel insurance or accepted that booking was a risk?