
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

cancellation policy

Level 2
Cheltenham, United Kingdom

cancellation policy

Hi since joining Airbnb I have been very pleased with the business it sends my way. However lately cancellations have been an issue. I have changed my policy to flexible ie upto 5 days before  the booking I allow full refund after that i supposedly keep the fee unless i get a booking to replace it which in my opinion is fair. However certainly on one occasion I was repeatedly hassled by the client for a full refund  just 3 days before they were due to arrive and because they were able to message me  directly it became quite oppressive. ironically on the final day I secured a booking to replace theirs so happily then refunded in full but did wonder at Airbnb and what they do to offset this and it appeared they pass on the impression that the host  should  deal with any problems and that we are to blame for keeping the funds even though we can be seriously out of pocket . Wonder what other hosts think of this situation and how they deal with it?  Gill P

Top Answer
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Gillian339  Your policy isn't "flexible", it's "moderate".


As for guests hassling you for a refund outside your policy, don't get involved in back and forths with them or allow it to make you feel oppressed.


Just tell them "Sorry you can't make it, XX. Airbnb handles refunds according to the cancellation policy you agreed to when you booked. When you cancel, those dates will open up on my calendar, and if I manage to get another booking for your dates, which will be difficult for a last-minute cancellation, I will refund you the nightly rate."

11 Replies 11
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Gillian339  Your policy isn't "flexible", it's "moderate".


As for guests hassling you for a refund outside your policy, don't get involved in back and forths with them or allow it to make you feel oppressed.


Just tell them "Sorry you can't make it, XX. Airbnb handles refunds according to the cancellation policy you agreed to when you booked. When you cancel, those dates will open up on my calendar, and if I manage to get another booking for your dates, which will be difficult for a last-minute cancellation, I will refund you the nightly rate."

Level 2
Ridgway, CO

I am not sure what happened here since it is impossible to talk to an agent at Airbnb.  It appears they have changed their cancellation policy to allow refunds up to the last minute and we have no say about that.  When I signed up two months ago, I allowed refunds at up to 60 days in advance and half refunds at 30 days.  Apparently that policy is not being honored any longer at this horrible agency.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sandy222 One has to assume that the guest qualified for a cancellation under the extenuating circumstances policy.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Sandy222  "When I signed up two months ago, I allowed refunds at up to 60 days in advance and half refunds at 30 days."


There is no such cancellation policy to choose from on Airbnb that has those conditions, except the super strict 60 days, which says it is by invitation only and doesn't conform to the refund parameters and percentages you mention. Which cancellation policy is showing on your listing?


Super Strict 60 days

This policy is invitation-only for certain Hosts under special circumstances.

  • Guests must cancel at least 60 days before check-in to receive a 50% refund for all nights
  • If they cancel after that, you’ll be paid 100% for all nights
Level 1
Sunbury-on-Thames, United Kingdom

The policy he @Sandy222 is talking about did exist and now it no longer does. That is my issue now as guests can get refunds the week of their stay. This was understandable with covid but not something we can continue. Are they going to bring back the old policies? Otherwise I may have to stop using them as a  booking service.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Anna11339 which cancellation policy do you use?

Hi did you get any answers regarding the cancellation policy? I'm a new host and can't afford for people to just be able to cancel up to check in.

Level 2
Ridgway, CO

The policy has been reinstated, but for whatever reason you have to qualify for the stricter cancellation policy.  

Hi so can a guest cancel up to check in I'd he has Covid? This is how I read the policy?

Hi I'm a new host and can't afford for people to be able to cancel a receive their money back. When I set my account up I think I chose the option where you can't cancel? Can someone advise please

@Nikki433So you don't know what cancellation policy you have? You need to check that in your settings. 


If you are talking about a non-refundable option, guests are not forced to choose that. The cancellation policy would read "Strict or non-refundable". The "or" means that guests are given the option when they go to book- they could choose the Strict policy or the non-refundable options.


But the Extenuating Circumstances policy trumps the non-refundable. If Airbnb decides a guest cancellation qualifies under the EC policy, the guest will be fully refunded.


P.S. You need to go back and edit your listing description. There is not nearly enough information provided. Fill out all of the fields provided- The Space (describe the rooms and the house layout, outdoor areas, etc), Guest  Access, Other Things to Note. 

And you have made an error a lot of new hosts do- your guest count and set-up are at odds. You are listing for 8, but only appear to have dining table and living room seating for 6. Either lower your guest count to 6 or furnish the other areas so they are suitable for 8.