


How can I communicate wih air bnb to ensure they charge an extra fee. For this particular stay there are additional adult that that will be staying and I need to ensure Air bnb charges them when they book.

Reelin In Sunsets
Top Answer
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Reelin-In-Sunsets0 You need to set your listing up properly. At present you are not charging extra fees for extra guests.

6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Reelin-In-Sunsets0 You need to set your listing up properly. At present you are not charging extra fees for extra guests.

ok, thanks. I'm guessing I go in and edit in the fee area?

Reelin In Sunsets
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You need to set your listing up so that it shows the fees for the extra guests. Then if the guest adds in the right amount of guests to your booking it will automatically be added to their booking. @Reelin-In-Sunsets0 


Ok, where is that at?

Reelin In Sunsets

Thank you!

Reelin In Sunsets
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Reelin-In-Sunsets0 Go to the 'pricing and availability' tab in you listing then scroll down to 'extra guest fee' and edit that.