fleeing ukraine

Level 2
Poltava, Ukraine

fleeing ukraine

Hello please i and my family ran away from ukraine because of the war and i had we could apply for a free accommodation for 5 to 7 days 

pls i have 2 kids they are both 1 year 7month  

5 Replies 5
Level 2
Poltava, Ukraine

we are in Budapest Hungary 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

Level 2
Poltava, Ukraine

@Sarah977 i have been going through the link you sent me and i could not understand who or organization i to message...if you can help me with more information i will be so grateful 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Hi @Michael6439 , I hope your family and yourself are safe now. If you're in need of immediate housing, please get in touch with the UN Refugee Agency. They will be able to help you out. 



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