new rules to make claims with Aircover so the secure deposit will still cover nothing ?

Level 5
Sarasota, FL

new rules to make claims with Aircover so the secure deposit will still cover nothing ?

I still worried  about the damage claims, the way how  people check them on airbnb, the last one I had 3 months ago, it was very stressful, the guests arrived and with a ball they were  playing and they broke a window, they called me and said that they  didn't it they said the incident happened before check in, I was there until 3:00 pm and Guest arrived at 3.10 pm., Airbnb never accepted my  claim because They  asked me for the video of the window without breaking in the 10 minutes before the  guests arrival so the airbnb people  from  host guarantee told me that I should have pictures  and videos of the whole house dated with  the same guests arrival day but before their check-in , something impossible to have and  I asked someone else to review the claim but in conclusion they believed the guests, I imagine in order to keep them  as customers and I lost the money paid to make the repair( $250).

In my desperation trying to don't lose the money, I told Airbnb host guarantee that there was a $ 300 security deposit on the listing, that I wanted to collect it, and Airbnb Host Guarantee  told me that the security deposit was not for that, so what is that for ?

and  I ask everyone? What is the secure deposit for? because it won't cover any damages

Now with this news where airbnb  say that it's an easy way   to make claims I wonder if this  task  to have pictures  and videos before  every customers check-in with date stamped,  it  will changed too or it will  still  the same ?  The secure deposit will cover something?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain

There is no security deposit and never has been. 


... unless you independently collect it ... in which case, there's no need for Airbnb involvement. You have the deposit. Extract the damages from it. Airbnb permission not required. 

Here in the US, we had that option for security deposit for yrs until recently w/ Aircover.