there is a smart tv provided and locator ask me to receive c...
there is a smart tv provided and locator ask me to receive canal+wich has to be paid following the subscription choosen.what ...
You can’t make this stuff up, I kid you not. Just when you think the absurdity meter is maxed out, the recommendation to ignore all businesses July 7th unless they’re black-owned is at the bottom of the page which boldly states “Battling discrimination on Airbnb” in big letters at the top. That is in addition to emailing hosts again on Independence Day how they can “fight discrimination”. 2+2=5?
Should guests listen to Airbnb and not book with any non-black property owners or managers July 7th? Would that just be for the night of the 7th, or would that apply to the date the booking was placed? (Ex: Apply to entire long term booking if house hunting on July 7th?)
Scroll down the page near the donate to BLM link which STILL takes donors to Actblue, and is STILL being promoted here despite being mired in corruption. Wonder why they moved it off the main page? Silent majority finally run out of patience and start pushing back?
Here’s a crazy idea that just might work. How about we just honor businesses that provide a quality product or service we value regardless of what color skin the owner has. This IS racism and it’s an assault on all races including black people who don’t want to be exploited. Just stop already. Treat people like people.
Is Airbnb purposely trying to drive this buss off the cliff with all off us on board?
How can it be that real discussion between hosts is continually being censored, coauthored, or developed by mods, while this kind of fraudulent fundraising for the democrat super pac is being pushed by the brand in our good name?
Evidently you’re a racist if you question failed logic or don’t address inequality by treating people unequally, got it? “And If the state says 2+2 is not 4 but 5, how many fingers do you see Winston?”
If you don’t get it, that’s good, it means you’re not brainwashed yet, and there’s still hope. It’s all going to come into to focus very soon for the masses.
It’s time to unmask the real sickness and corruption and those who willfully choose to protect or sponsor them.
People will be justifiably outraged when they learn the REAL reasons we we’re under “house arrest” and our businesses and economies were/are held hostage in shutdown mode, and our voices are being simultaneously silenced.
I'll have to consult with my black family members to find out what I'm missing.
@Christine615 why do you paint the black race with such a broad brush, "the black community," as if all black persons think and act the same way?
@Helen3 , I for one would be perfectly fine with not classifying folks by skin color or race cause what matters more to me is who they see themselves as not who I think they might be but I use the term Minority only to try to discuss specific populations without offence to people. This might be a good place to mention common terms don't mean the same to everyone, If you call my friend Neme "African American" he might rip your eyes out as he straitens you out by letting you know he's an American who's grandparents came from Jamaica! I actually look forward to the day being a US citizen puts you in the Clear Majority while you're being counted within our borders- in a place where we are all equal, that would be the best.
To try too keep this thread on topic. I did go to a business that is owned by light skinned Americans last week and bought strawberries, (and has been for generations). I mention that cause they were picked by darker skinned folks that work there all summer, many returning every year to the same place, some were babies in those same fields decades ago. I mention that cause its me buying fruit and veggies off that stand with my neighbors that keeps the folks working employed. Some might say that is bad, others good, there is no right answer for "is this OK?", its all about perspective.
"Successive government in the US have tried to tackle this issues (police violence against the black community) and have not been successful. ", You would be hard pressed to get half of the nation to admit what you just wrote, they are hell bent on swearing our president must be 600 years old cause "he's the cause of it all". Actually, by helping every citizen do better earning a living, he raised the standards of living for everyone including darker skinned Americans and Women, two marginalized earners that have been failed on by many career politicians still in office.
If I had a choice (and I do) to support someone with a proven track record of lifting everyones boats or one that has failed to lift anyones but crony friends and themselves in the last 30 years, I think Im gonna pick the one that has actually did something in the last years, its pretty simple, Thanks for reading and stay well, JR
Hmm. Let's see. Black owned businesses (actually minority owned businesses) are often smaller and have been shut out of the pandemic loans because they don't have the right relationships. It was one day - to show support. That's it.
I get a note every year from American Express asking me to support small businesses during the pandemic. They kick in $5 of every $10 I spend on one. No one is complaining about that.
Same deal. Support, or not support. No one is telling people what to do. It was a suggestion to show support for what are often marginalized businesses. I'm amazed by the vitriol that resulted in something so innocuous.
@Christine615 , Im not against supporting Minority owned businesses every day, I suspect most folks here would also agree. I would actually encourage more ownership by folks that have a passion for something they want to take to the next level. The things is, its a hard long and hard row to hoe and many don't survive the first full year (many airbnb's go the same way) so its not actually that easy to get any folks to take that risk and when less than 6% of our total county population is Minority citizens, forgetabout the "Only spend money at Black owned business" movement helping where we live.
Heres a short story from yesterday, I had a new washer and dryer delivered yesterday, my old one is unreliable at best and not good for a lodging provider. The delivery and hookup folks were a light skinned guy and a dark skinned guy (both under 25ish), I asked both how they were doing and the light guy said fine, the darker guy said "awful" I took the bait and asked "why?", he replied "Cause he had all kinds of talents like carpenter, diesel mechanic and others yet he was moving appliances which was not his dream job but he was stuck doing it cause of Trump. I let him know I started out carrying TV's to top floors of buildings without elevators in a tv shop as an apprentice back in 84 and if he wanted work way harder than most people, learn more than he ever thought was possible and continue doing it while he grew and perfected his trades, he could attain middle class mediocrity just like I did or better.
Over the next hour, we had a number of short yet meaningful conversations where I found out he was studying in a couple trades schools and was to begin serving in the military soon. He was interested in my 21 years in the army infantry and we also chatted about the Airbnb buis. He said he wants to do the same so we discussed how I bought the 200+ year old place cheap a few years from a wrecking ball and literally worked my butt off for 15 years rebuilding it to make it this cool place its become.
By the end, we shook hands and parted as the equals we are (inadvisable cause of covid but I couldn't help it). He asked me what I suggested to get him where he wants to go and I told him, don't get distracted by current events, he's on a great path that can lead him to the same place or better that my wife and I had achieved over a 30 year period as long as he never said never about what he could achieve.
There really wasnt anything I could do to join in on Airbnb's idea to support Black owned Businesses on the 7th. The best I can do to help on that day where I live is speak frankly with this young man who had a young family to support. If i had it to do all over again, thats how I would have spent that 1.5 hours and more if it could help change the answer that young man gives when someone asks him, "how are you doing?". Stay well Christina, JR
Thanks @Melodie-And-John0
im sending a cyber hug. Honestly, I think Airbnb should stay out of politics and fix its own internal dysfunction. I do agree it’s disingenuous to ask us to support a Black businesses when it doesn’t even support Black hosts. (Or hosts in general).
The host grant was an insulting or stunt. I’d be curious to see if any Black hosts got help (I didn’t) and Missouri has made it difficult to impossible to get unemployment. Hiding photos makes hard to identify Black hosts to support.) We use the Airbnb to keep our daughter’s rent affordable. When Pandemic resulted in Airbnb asking hosts to allow cancellations, we did so at the same time as companies began mass furloughs. So our daughter had no paycheck, I had no paycheck, and no Airbnb revenue which meant draining my savings to cover the mortgage and utilities. So to hear they supported BLM instead of more hosts was hurtful. (Missouri still hasn’t fixed the unemployment glitch.)
So I love our host community but have mixed feelings about the poor way Airbnb operates and destroys hosts of all colors while pandering to look “woke.”
Right now my neighborhood spent the whole day fighting an host who uses a single family house to host massive groups and parties then lies about it. We won, but there’s another committee next week.
If Airbnb would just spend its funds on ”Hosts Matter” and ban Airbnb hosts who break the law and unlicensed hosts that would go a long way to improving revenue for the rest of us.
Peace! Stay safe. ❤️
I don't expect Airbnb to support my STR business; they are one of a number of marketing channels I use. @Christine615 .
To me there are two separate issues - should Airbnb be doing more to work with local governments to get illegal and problem hosts shut down - absolutely I agree with you that they should. Don't know why they don't use the licensing system that operates in quite a few European cities and simply have a policy of no licence, no listing. This would take out many of these dubious players.
Should they do more to help hosts who find themselves with problem guests by acting more promptly during disputes.. Definitely
Should they have put more resources into their customers services at a time of crisis - 100% they should.
To me though supporting hosts and supporting CSR issues such BLM and refugee charities are two completely different issues.
If if I didn't support Airbnb's CSR programme, I wouldn't stop using Airbnb as it is the best platform for marketing my business.
Just as I haven't stopped using Amazon, FB, Google, Apple or Microsoft because they support BLM - have you?
The host grant was incredibly badly handled. I would much preferred for them to make this money available to hosts in countries that don't have welfare systems to pay for education, health, welfare and food. Sadly a third of the total budget when to hosts in the US (probably for political reasons).
In the UK the government pays 80% of wages for those who are furloughed and 80% for those who are self-employed (up to a limit). Sorry to hear you aren't being offered the same benefits by your government.
Luckily even during Covid in the UK there have been lots of short term employment opportunities in health and care, distribution, supermarkets, retail, the post office, fruit and veg picking etc for those whose income has taken a hit. Many of our students and those who have lost their income are taking up these opportunities. Hopefully there are similar opportunities for your daughter where you live.
@Christine615 ”Hosts Matter” , well said Christine! Big hug right back at you!!!!
@Christine615 I own my own business, I am of Latin decent, I don't have any special relationships and I was able to get a loan. There is a big difference asking to support small businesses compared to asking people to support businesses who's owners are of a certain color. The latter comes with the presumption people owe me something. Pity is not welcome at my business.
I was just called a racists numerous times by a group of 7 blacks who came to my airbnb and started setting up for a birthday party with alcohol bar and food and balloons and decorations. My rules specifically state NO PARTIES OF ANY TYPE and a max of 5 guests.
I refunded their money as they watched my phone and then asked them politely to leave. They quickly pulled the race card and started yelling at me, calling me a racist! I'm a racist because they tried to sneak a party in here at my airbnb? Luckily, I am an onsite host and was able to nip this in the bud before it got way out of control and alcohol fueled surprise birthday parties always do. I'm pretty sure airbnb will side with the guests and I'll lose my 12 time superhost status and they won't open up the 3 nights in question. This remains to be seen if they ever answer their freaking phone! I'm on hold over 2 hours now.
Sorry to hear about your situation @Donald28 but not quite sure what your partying guests who would have called out any insult to you because they were angry that you caught them in the act, has to do with this thread.
You know you are not a racist, so ignore them.
Why are you assuming Airbnb would side with them; I am sure you have photo's and video evidence and worked with Airbnb to cancel the booking so you could tell these 'guests' to leave.
Why are you holding on the phone, contact them via social media//online.
Everyone would agree that a person doesn’t deserve to be mistreated based on skin color. Sounds like you’re being targeted for mistreatment due to your skin color.
Where the herd has lost its way is thinking certain people deserve special treatment because of skin color. Everyone is free, or no one is free. House rules apply to all, bad behavior cannot be excused due to race.
You rightly made it an accountability issue, and dealt very fairly with them. They chose to make it about race to manipulate the situation after getting caught violating house rules that they agreed to.
Keep us posted
UPDATE: after over 2 hours on hold with airbnb I was given a $200 coupon to use in the next year (for tonight's loss), they opened up tomorrow and thursday nights so I can hopefully rent them out and supposedly blocked the guest from being able to leave a review.
+1 for customer service!
We need to praise them when they make an honorable effort.
They're doing a pretty thankless job right now.
So as expected, Airbnb rightly sided with you as the host and ignored the guests unjustified comments, despite you thinking that they would side with the guest. @Donald28