"A Meanness About Folks"

Level 10
Austin, TX

"A Meanness About Folks"

I was reading an article about the current state of students and education and this tweet reminded me of what I'm hearing from alot of you (and why I'm not looking forward to re-opening my barn).


"I feel like this pandemic has created something that’s going to take at least a year and a half (or probably more) to recover from in our schools. A meanness about folks. Exhaustion. Apathy. And it seems to be rampant."  Dwayne Reed @TeachMrReed 



full article: https://www.today.com/parents/how-help-teens-struggling-person-school-pandemic-t239720?cid=sm_npd_td...




47 Replies 47
Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain

Hmmm.. Interesting topic. I've seen both, but perhaps somewhat more exaggerated than "the good old days" (rose tinted glasses) .


On one hand, yes, I've observed more anger, impatience, intolerance, and a good share of willful misguidance. 


On the other hand, there's also plenty that exhibit incredible patience and understanding, pragmatism, and openness. And honesty. 


But while the pandemic has certainly pushed nerves to their limits at times, I'm not yet ready to blame it all on that.


Frankly, I think certain major influencers in recent years have instigated and normalised intolerance and misinformation to a point where it's become perfectly reasonable to become unreasonable, based on imaginary threats that suit whatever the narrative.


And it's more ok to lie and cheat to get whatever it is you want, because that's what they all do, right? If you don't, you're a "loser", right? Or at least that's what many have been led to believe. And if you get caught, just accuse them of something worse in  retaliation. Sound familiar? 


Even if you don't subscribe to that way of thinking, it only takes a few bad experiences to set you on the path of divisiveness. But in the big picture, that's just not a good way to be. What goes around comes around. 


For now, I'm counting my blessings. Over here, rudeness and self-centeredness isn't quite epidemic. Yet. 

I think you’re right, @Elaine701, and I admire your restraint in not naming names, but it’s probably best to treat this forum like the family dinner table 🙂  Four years of a despot feeding a resentful, entitled population is followed by a pandemic, which doesn’t recognize that anyone or any group is special, and those who were resentful and entitled to begin with just about explode.


Level 10
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

@Kelly149  We started hosting again in July, through October. Mainly UK guests but also a Nederlander (so happy!) And I haven't noticed any difference in guest behaviour; they've all been great 🙂 Admittedly, I was expecting to have some deep conversations about lockdown experiences 😉 but, we didn't. Probably for the best, people were just getting on with life again 🙂