
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

superhost with great reviews is HORRIBLE TO ME?

Level 2
Athens, Greece

superhost with great reviews is HORRIBLE TO ME?

I dont understand it. The host has all great reviews even saying how prompt and helpful and how the host made the stay a breeze for ALL previous guests.


For me its been nothing but hell. Starting with communication.


Check in: 'oh my father is dying at the hospital and i only gave you the bed with 1 bedsheet and 1 towel  sorry bout that but as you see I have severe family issue, i hope you understand?''


I say I understand and I close the door.


After 7 days I want a new set of bedsheets? Even if she has a severe problem as her parent is dying, she should delegate it to someone else (its a luxury condo i doubt the host cannot delegate) or even cancel the hosting and refund since she is unavailable ? 


She doesnt reply fast. When she replies she says ''il be right there in 1 minute'' (i waited 5 hours but did not complain). 


At that point I have soiled bedhseets and towles (all host's property) and need to wash them. Host claims previous guests collaborated with a pick up washing service for 20 euro per bag. How amazing I say, yes I want that service too, please provide telephone.


For 3 days no answer. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Fourth day ''hello can i really have the telephone to arrange to wash used towels and bedsheet? its been 10 days?


Reply NEXT day  ''yes here is the telephone''. In the meantime I called on her phone something i rarely have to do with hosts, and she always didnot reply.


I call the service, host said i should refer to her name and say im her guest to get the deal of 20 euro etc. I say im her guest bla bla bla. THe company says ''no, we dont wash individual bags of clothes, and we dont pick up just 1-2 bags. Plus its not 20 euro but 50 euro per bag. And your host gives us yaugting (boating) materials like canvas and sails not clothes thats why we come bay and take it you just want to give us one bag of clothes? We dont do this type of clenaing. 


So who is the liar here: The host who said previous guests just paid 20 euro/bag and had their clothes washed by the same company that washes her boating fabrics  or the company?  


I talk to the host and she says ''dont worry I will tell them to take care of your washing '' Since then total silence and 5 days go by... 


In those five days I have managed to get a second set of bed sheets from the host.


My stay is 2 months and having to change bedsheets (large double bed bedsheets) every 7 days is ok for me but usually i give the soiled ones in a bag (in a plastic bin bag) to the host or if the condo has a washing machine and a veranda I doi it mysel but this condo has no washing  machine OR VERANDA. Its a tiny studio with tiny tiny shower. NO place to handwash.


After I got impatient she actually said something  like ''but previous guests always handwashed actually''


That contradicts her previous statement that previous guests colaborated with her favorite washing service for her yaughting needs. 


And wash where? Its not a bathtub its a tiny shower. And dry the clothes where? I asked her if i can put a rack outside but she denied that i can do that (and on the listing she says the corridor is 'private entrance' but its not since you go through common entrance then through common corridor to find the door, so where is the ''private entrance'' she claims on the listing?). Thats is why i cannot put a drying rack outside.


I found a drying rack in the tiny studio but she doesnt allow me to get it out in a country full of sun! They would dry in 1 hour. Thereis no other way to dry clothes. Indoors it takes for ever.


I already lost 900 euro for 1 monthh stay which is  my mistake, due to prime location (next to sea) and calm neighborhood i thougt i would find some peace here but instead the host is trying to mess with me i think. The communicating is not honest and everything screams 'trolling'. Intolerance maybe cause im an obese guest. 


And another thing. I had a mask on when i checked in. After she told me her dad is dying so she wont be able to give me second bedsheet soon she then asked me why im so scared of covid.... My mind froze? Its common here to still wear a mask. I arrived by shared public transport which requires amask. Maybe she never met a guest who did not arrive in a ferrari solo hence didn t have to wear a mask as we plebs have to.


I had to shorten my stay from 2 months to 1 month and she accepted the demand and now tries to mess with me even more. She ignores all my mesages , knocks on door when she knows (as i informed her) the times i do online studies with my college and im busy with headphone s hence i cannot ansnwer she wants to see me at those hours in specific if she must see me. 


She said i should not allow food delivery men/wiomen to come to my entrance but everyone else in the building allow them? I have to go out with pyajams and jacket and slippers if i order food at night but all other tenants here (most of them permanent teants) just open the main entrance for the delivery man/womann and allow to bring the food or package delivery to their flat door? She told im not allowed to do that. On the entire building there are cctv everywhere which is ok and i knew before booking but im the only person going to the gate to get the food or package there and not allow the delivery man to get in. She said ''we dont allow them to get in'' but i seen others allowing delivery men to get to their door (oh the luxury).


Its so horrible knowing you are dealing with a bad host and all her/his reviews are pristine cause of course I am the bad person since all her reviews are stellar. I will never understand how she thinks she will get away from her first negative review. She either thinks she can play me and stil get amazing review (how?????????????) or she plans to kick me out.


My question here is, given that she has been non communicate and passive-aggresive but her reviewws say she made the previous guest stay great and she was helpful,  

1) why she behaves non-helpful to me?

2) she is superhost, she risks losing her super host glory?

3) is there a way for her to kick me and not get a negative review? Which explains why she passive-hostile to me and trolling me? She plans to kick me out and in that case airbnb doesnt allow me to give her bad review?


Or she thinks I will want to keep my profile great and give her a great reviews to keep my profile great. No. For abusive and trolling and passive-aggressive racist (im obese) hosts i will leave a negative review. She is my 11 host and i generally didint have problems iwth hosts before so im really shocked exactly because this one is a ''superhost''. Unless the fact that she is her father at the hospital is enough (if its a true story since I see her here all day every day and not spending all days at the hospital as she claimed on check in plus the CLEANING SERVICE ACTUALLY CAME AND TOOK BAGS OF HER BOATING FABRICS and family i heard them as the studio is in the entrance of the whole building). Since they came here to take her family's child clothes and her boating, why she didnt notify me to give for 20 euro/bag with her own stuff her towel/bedsheets and 1 bag ofmy own clothing?


Im really confused with this experience and it ruined my stay. I want to find another stay asap as i feel im targeted so that she can have a laugh. I will TRASH her immaculate perfect superhosting reviews profile. I say this cause for some reason she still smiles and she still behavs as if i will give her 5 stars. For what? for troling me? For playing me? She wil of course trash my profile too.

6 Replies 6

@Leann327  Clearly, the communication between you and your host has deteriorated to a point from which it's unlikely to recover. It's hard to know whether the host is being reasonable without knowing what is explicitly offered in the listing. If a washing machine or laundry service is listed as an inclusive amenity, the host would be wrong to deny it to you. But with long-term stays, it's pretty normal that guests are responsible for their own laundry solutions; this might mean finding the nearest laundromat or wash n' fold service on your own. 


Nobody here can answer question (1) for you, unless there's a psychic in our midst. 


(2) Whether the host is at risk of losing Superhost status based on just one review depends on how many stays she hosts over a 1-year period. Besides, not all hosts care about having the silly badge on their profile, especially when they have other things on their minds such as a dying parent.


(3) You will still be able to leave a review if the host kicks you out. All stays that aren't cancelled before the check-in date are eligible for reviews. But keep in mind, hosts considering your booking don't just check the reviews left by other hosts - they also look to see what you wrote about your past stays. I'd be open to hosting a guest who had received a bad review, but I would never consider hosting a guest who felt the need to "trash" (in your own words) a host. Just write an honest, factual account of your experience. Leave out the emotions as well as any assumptions about the host's personal viewpoint (e.g. "racism," which doesn't mean what you seem to think it does). 


If you're willing to put aside the hard feelings, it's still plausible that you and the host might reach a mutual agreement that the stay is not working out. You can start this conversation by initiating another change request and moving on to a home that better suits your needs.

Level 2
Athens, Greece

Well i and maybe others can see that you are clear on the host's side. A host who claim on check in she is unable to provide the usual hosting experience. But also attacks me with a mock question ''why are you afraid of covid so much? i had it we all had it..''.Of course you might say im being a liar here but to myself im being truthful 🙂 Try to live with it. 


In life liars often beat truth thats a fact. and she just won, i wont go into details.


I think airbnb stance was slightly on her side so for this reason i will soon try to find other platforms to use. I was not pleased with having a wacko host having to cancel 2 month stay having to move when I have medical issues and airbnb supporting her side of story. Plus losing money that I cannot earn back as they are my savings and im on the dole soon. She wont have to face what i have to face in life. She made things so difficult so i had to cancel and lose nearly 1000 euro for a nearly 20 days stay in a tiny studio without veranda or outside view with the host saying she cannot take care of usual hosting due to dying parent (as if my parents arent old and having multiple health issues). The ego i met here is so huge, im glad im leaving even with 1000 euro stolen in a very playful way. I heard her and her entire family laugh today exactly after I accepted to leave in a few days which was forced upon her not providing cleaning which she herself said she provided for all other guests.


Be sure im leaving her a HONEST feedback. If that is going to afect her? With airbnb on her side I think not. I will just state the facts. Any future host will see that im stating the facts. Ofc ourse she can reply under my side of story with her constant trolling and snobbery. That will be FUN to read for me and maybe future hosts. not your type of hosts apparently. 


I will actualy even make a new airbnb that wont do socioeconomic racism or racism against obese ppl. Simply as that. Anna Zinonos x


ps: how do i know she realy has parents dyring? also this is very personal one should not share such info. Should could be more tactful? No, she said that cause she knows the topic of death is annoying topic for discussion. She then had issues why im wearing a covid mask 😕 Then silence then  constant denial to meet demands after a week about washing. She said she collaborates with a company. I did see the company coming by and collect her clothes, but she didnt knock my door to take my and her towel/used bedsheets. She never corrected the issue with the washing. 


Also i think you did not read me well. She is the one who propopsed the washing service, not me. When I asked about washing she didnt say ''go find your own'' she said ''im collaborating with a pick up servce for 20 euro/bag and previous guests have used that woud you like their number?''  Then she doesnt give me the number and sleeping on dirty sheet and then i had to call her doesnt ever pick up then she give me just the number on messenger and then the company denies taking my clothes and her towel/bedsheet and even if they do they demand 50 euro/bag not 20. Then the host says the company rep who answer my phone is 'dumb' and 'propably a new girl there who doesnt know the owner' and made it look like the host knows the owner andshe will resolve the issue for my comfort. Never  did. In fact since she said she would resolve the issue i never heard anything from her. She just ignored me 100%. 


I then said ''ok i will search for my own washing by coin operated services but they are all by bus or taxi and im obese with hypertension so i will spend mmoney on taxi for this''.  She replied that she still hasnt spoken with the owner of the washing business and once she will she thinks the issue will be resolved. Then complete silence. 20 days on just 2 sets of bedsheets for  2 month long stay for a tiny studio in Athens that for some reason is priced above 800 euro//month (for few m2) witout veranda and on ground floor and it doesnt have a private entrance as it says on the listing so she is a liar and messes up with guests she dislikes and make them quit but with strict cancellettion she keep the money. 


I will be avoiding any non refunding host in future and will try to use other services similar to airbnb as so far i relied only on airbnb. I dont care if she trashes my profile, i know it will be lies and i am curious what she will say:)  She will propably say im a monster and a bad person and i soiled her pristine luxurious condo bla bla bla.  So fun.

Level 7
Athens, Greece

@Leann327  You clearly did the right thing - to move out, since you felt that you weren't satisfied with the house or the service provided. However don't take things so personally. The woman might have been busy with her sick parent. I do understand that you paid for the place etc and have demands but if I was in your position and I liked the place -  I would just ignore the mask comments and the delivery comments and just find a laundromat online and take my clothes or bedsheets to be washed. 

Yes you did not read me either it seems.

At some point i said i will take care of the washing at my own cost and pestilance and the host said 'oh no i will talk to the manager and fix this for you' ever since total silence. I would appreciate even a feedback like ''manager did not agree, go find your own washing shop''. Ignoring such a crucial thing as linen washing and not allowing me to find my own solution and then ignoring me and let me wait.. I dont think thats normal. 

If she has problems she can ask a relative or friend to contact via airbnb to tell me that she wasnt able to find a solution with the manager she claims she is collaaboating with.

Just not updating on a very vital issue is bad manners.

I just lost money and time here and I dont understand why all previous reviews say she was super helpful and always caring. If i had a family emergency I would ask a relative or family membr to notify the tenant about basic things she could easily tell me up front ''find your own washing solution but she insttead made me wait cause she claim she will arrange it cause she knows the manager (nepotism stuff and snobbery).


I dont like snobbery so airbnb helped me cancel and go away so that the host can find a guest of her own socioeconomic level, someone who owns boats would do fine, or arrives with a rented laborgini maybe? Hahah.... If her goal was to make me miserable and feel below her she failed.

but eleni what service provided? do you ppl even read what i write?


there was zero service provided just keys and the silence and inability to give the basics (second set of bedsheet aafter 7 days?).


Zero service then . I also have sick parents, inf act they are over the age of 80. Both with illnesses. I am myself ill actually.


I dont use illness as excuse. if she cannot host, take the listing out of hosting, if she can host, delegetate ''service'' to relateive or a company, 


I think I was picked up to be snobbed at and thats what goes at her reviews. She will reply with the usual snobbery and lies rich ppl make up that they find in poor ppl ""person was bad, person was aggressive, person did not clean well, person was demanding, bla blab la''. As is said above, i m expecting HER to trash my profile pretty good with total lies. What i will write is my side of the story to warn others that if the host is having family crisis she will dissapear but still promise stuff she nevel delivers and then make everyone feel bad for merely wanting a second set of bed sheets after 7 days.  Reviews should be honest. Im sure she will write that i was , as you say, ''disatisfied with the services provides'' (zero services as you read above).


Please BEFORE replying try to read my text twice because you totally miss crucial points like her ignoring game. She could answer ''i have family problem' but she didnt, she promised to find washing solution and told me not to find my own solution leaving me with dirty clothes and linen for 10 days+  when she could easily say ''go ahead find your own cleaning solution. No she wanted me to cancel, due to the dirt accumulated here, waiting for her to find a solution, and then win all the money, this whole thing screeams  money scam too. I have informed airbnb and if this is a trick she do at some point she will get caught by airbnb for repeating the trick. :))

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Leann327  You would do well to heed the advice Andrew gave you. I understand that you seem to have a difficult host. So you have shortened your reservation. Fine. Leave an honest (not vindictive) review and move on. Sometimes life doesnt go the way we would like it to. But it's one month out of your life- no need to create some huge drama out of not being able to get laundry pick-up. Go look for a laundromat, for goodness sake.


And obesity has nothing to do with racism. Racism refers to discriminating against someone due to the color of their skin, it has nothing to do with weight or discrimination against  disabilities, nationalities, sexual orientation or anything else.