threats by guests

threats by guests

Hello community,


I have been hosting for several years but I have just encountered a new situation and I would appreciate any advice. First post on here, so please be gentle 🙂


I have a strict cancellation policy. My guest booked and the booking is now within the time limit for no refund as the dates are close. The guest contacted me to ask if they could cancel and if I could make a refund. I offered to refund any days I resold if they cancelled but not more.


The guest responded rather sarcastically and aggressively and  said that "you can count on me for the payback"


This sounds like a threat to me and i feel that i dont want these people in my apartment. on the other hand i dont want to cancel the booking, partly because of the money but more importantly i dont think that people who behave like this should get their own way


Any advice greatly appreciated


Regards Robin

1 Reply 1
Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



Sorry to hear that.  Hopefully you got it all on the messaging system.  If so, call Airbnb and tell them you have an uncomfortable situation with Reservation Number XYZ.  Ask them to document everything on the reservation, but that you don't want to take action at this point.  Make sure to highlight the "payback" threat. Do it asap so that you have it on record before the guest tries to pull anything over on you with Airbnb.  If you're ahead of the guest with Airbnb, have your battle is won.


Good luck.