unable to book trip, host keeps changing other booking in calendar

Level 2
Berlin, Germany

unable to book trip, host keeps changing other booking in calendar

I'm wondering if anyone has any feedback about this booking i'm trying to make.  I spoke to the host.  Seems like a good fit, but i'm trying to book the trip and she has another booking in the calendar that will not allow me to book.  She approves the dates, then when i book it says those dates are no longer available, and she keeps approving the wrong date range.  Also this calendar booking that prevents me from booking the dates keep changing, but she seems to be of the opinion that my dates are available and suggested i try making two separate bookings.  What is going on? Also i noticed that there are a lot of reviews from this last March, but during a pandemic i imagine there are not a lot of travellers aside from maybe locals (all english reviews in berlin, and most things here are closed and travel into germany is very restricted, so this seems strange to me).  Now after going back and forth on the dates for a few days she says maybe we should meet first.  

8 Replies 8
Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

@Shyra0 Unless there's some reason you need to book this specific place, I think I would move on. If she's been a host for a while, she should be familiar with how the tools work, and if she isn't, she should contact Airbnb for assistance. To me, the behaviour seems quite suspicious, especially since she's asking for contact outside of the Airbnb platform. 

If you really specifically want this place and want to keep trying with her, I would ask her to contact Airbnb and get their assistance with getting the date issue straightened out. Maybe she has settings set up on her calendar that are causing an issue. We do have the ability to set up things like check in only a certain day of the week and minimum stay requirements: maybe it's as simple as that. 

@Alexandra316 yes, upon closer look at the reviews there are only 2 from 2020, and 8 just from this march alone.  Very odd.  I dont think it is her settings.  The dates that keep being re-arranged are all over the map, and only within the time i'm looking at.  I will move on to other options but i'm wondering if i should report it to airbnb.  although i wouldnt know what to report exactly....

@Shyra0 Yes, hard to know if it's just inexperience or something shady going on. You could flag the profile for attempted contact outside of the platform: there's a little flag icon on the messaging stream that you can click and select the appropriate reason when you're prompted. 

Level 1
West Coast, New Zealand

I am a host and guests have not been able to book my place for 6 weeks now. When they go to book they get a message saying that there is a calendar error and to contact the host. We have logged this with ABnB support but have not had the issue resolved. Maybe this host is having the same issue. Are there other hosts who are having this issue and not getting help from ABnB about it?

@Tracey428 Do you know at what point they're getting this message and if it's affecting all your properties? I just tried booking one of your places and it looked like it would have let me complete it (I can't say for sure of course because I didn't complete it). I looked at the Heaven property. Have you received any bookings since guests started reporting it? Are the affected calendar(s) tied together?

We have 3 properties and it is only a problem for the house called A Touch of Class in Greymouth.  It happens after the guest has entered their credit card details and they click on the red CONFIRM AND PAY Button. This message appears...

Let’s try that again
There is something wrong with your host's calendar. Please contact your host
Ive tested it a few times for booking dates that are vacant on all the houses. All the houses have the same channel manager updating the calendars. There is no problem with other websites calendars such as BDC or Vbro and they use the same channel manger as ABnB. The channel manager people say there is no problem on their side. 
I'm thinking of disconnecting the channel manager from this house to see if that resolves the issue. 
I have attached a file with copies of the issue and what ABnB support has said to date
Thanks for any suggestions and I'll keep you posted on any progress
Level 1
Greymouth, New Zealand

@Shyra0 Here is the fileABnB Error message for A Touch of Class Greymouth NZ.jpg

Did anyone find a resolution to this? I am a guest and this is happening, the host and I have both contacted Airbnb with no resolution