Goodsfternoon, I am making contact with you to inform you th...
Goodsfternoon, I am making contact with you to inform you that I will be proceeding with legal action against Air BnB due to ...
wonder to know how to reach some one higher than support specialist, i have dispute with her and i think am correct..
But the COVID-19 EC policy for bookings made after 14th March specifically says that refunds will NOT be issued for cancellations due to government restrictions, only for cancellations where the host or guest is sick with COVID and the regular EC policy currently states that it will not cover COVID related cancellations and redirects you to the COVID EC policy.
So, according to the written policy, @Benedictus0 is correct. The second rep should not be saying the regular EC policy applies here when it is clearly stated right at the top of that policy that it doesn't cover COVID related circumstances.
Hi @Huma0 Thousands of guests who booked post 14 March are getting refunds because they can’t travel or hosts can’t host because of new lockdowns and restrictions across Europe.
As @Benedictus0 mentions Guests and hosts are getting refunds under the general EC policy where these regulations were not in place when they booked.
I know one host in Dublin. one in Wales snd three in English lock down areas this has happened to.
Yes, clearly this is a problem. That's why I asked @Catherine-Powell for clarification on this matter. If the COVID EC specifies something, then why aren't the CS Reps basing their decisions on that rather than making random decisions? There is still a lot of explanation outstanding from Airbnb as to why decisions are being made that clearly violate its own EC policies.
However, the point I am making is that @Benedictus0 seems to be correct in his assumption that the decision made by the second CS rep in his case was against Airbnb's own policies. Therefore, it is not something he should simply lie down and accept. I have also had CS make refunds to guests that were in breach of policy and I fought it. It was a long, stressful battle, but I got there in the end by repeatedly reminding them they were breaking their own policy, quoting said policy back to them verbatim.
hi @Helen3 ..could you tell me how to reach CS and to get the reply..? i send message few times already in few days and they are not replying..they also not saying the case close. normally they will ask if i still need help before ending topic..or should i wait for a week ?
called them twice and twice the team just said that they will come back..but now is more than 48 hours.
additional hosting in an island called bali in indonesia. in the island, we still have big number of tourist who decided not to go home yet. so i am getting booking from people all over the world and they can check in without any issue since they are near by/in the island.
but with this specific guest i have issue, she is listed as canadian and living somewhere in east seems airbnb want me to know where about the guest is..? don't you think a bit too much..
@Benedictus0 @Huma0 may be right and it may be against Airbnb policy but it may be compliant with the law of the jurisdiction the guest or the property falls under. In this case the law will override the Airbnb policy.
To call Airbnb the contact numbers for different countries can be found in the Contact thread pinned near the top of the Help section in this forum. Just make sure you are on the first page of the thread and you will find them
i think i need someone higher or different than the support group, because if within support team although from different country, they will merge the issue to the same personal..
basically i don't mind to accept any decision but i need ground or policy that they are using for the decision. in my case they said to follow airbnb article 1320 but when i open it, right on top saying that this is only used outside pandemic case and therefore must follow the extenuating circumstances policy.
I have already mentioned the policy they are using to you. It is the general EC policy not the Covid one @Benedictus0
Yes, but that policy specifically states that it is not to be applied to cases related to COVID, which @Benedictus0 says this one is. Therefore the COVID, not the general, EC policy should apply.
It is possible though that the guest told Airbnb that her case was related to some other extenuating circumstance, but if she told them it was due to being unable to travel because of COVID restrictions, the second rep is incorrect and is applying the wrong policy.
I agree that the Covid policy needs updating with so much of Europe and other countries coming under lockdown.
well the 2nd rep also mention due to covid the guest can not travel..infact when i called one of the rep the 2nd is wrong but he can only to send message to 2nd rep..
now there is no automatic question asking whether i still need help or not..normally when you send message to support, at the very end they will ask this. if i said no, then they will close discussion..
try to follow you and reaching @Catherine-Powell too..but sending the message it does not seems gone through..i don't think is my connection. is it that difficult ? share your experience please..