In the past 10 month of hosting, I've found a few guests every once in a while would be nice guests and very attentive to our house rules, and not any communication issues at all during hosting, and I consider them as very nice guests. I checked on them one day after the check in and make sure to express myself available for anything. Close to the checkout date, I checked on them they also express it has been a great stay. So I thought they loved the stay, however, in the review, they would eventually write their true feelings and leave a 4 star review, and also mentioned something we haven't listed on our listing. They are definitely not the norm of the review, but it's been annoying to me that my true and sincere care for them does not even pay out for an honest communication before they left, and seems that they tend to express their true feeling publicly first and not open to the host.
Again although these are very minor number of guests, would love to hear some advice on how to spot these guests in advance or write them a polite response in public.