Hello everyone,
I hope you are having a good day.
I want...
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Hello everyone,
I hope you are having a good day.
I wanted to let you know that we have updated the booking process to ma...
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Hello everybody,
As you may have noticed, we have been experiencing an issue impacting the ability to login to the Community Center, today (Nov 20th). We are really sorry you were unable to post during this time.
The good news is we got to the bottom of what was causing this unexpected glitch and are back up and running! 🙂
Thank you so much for your patience and I hope you have had a nice day.
Lizzie, Stephanie & Quincy
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
A whole day without CC access! Glad to be back on :))
Talking to various members offline pondering if we had been banned for saying the wrong thing or not going with the narrative of the moment.
a) good that's not the case
b) glad the CC is a safe space where everyone is free to express their opinions and beliefs in a respectful and polite way.
Paul 🙂
Always @Paul1255 ! As I mentioned to Trevor, it is an exceptionally rare occasion anyone is banned on the CC and when it does happen, the OCM works with the user for a long time to try to keep them involved in a exactly the manner you express - "in a respectful and polite way." It is always the dreaded last resort, hence banning being seldom!
Many thanks,
@Stephanie Yes indeedy! I remember us having the same chat in real life...which reminds me- when is the next CC meet up planned? 🙂
@Paul1255I might have to leave lamb or beef off the menu as it's at Cornwall Park 🙂
Teeheehee @Lizzie @Trevor243 @
@Stephanie @Quincy and others,
oh so nice to see others who have a conscience to think they had done something to be in the naughty corner!!
When there's IT Glitches it usually impacts on other platforms like Microsoft, Google, and the like so I look online to see if they are down, under "News" using those words.
As it was/ is Microsoft have had issues.
Oddly my keyboard is coming up with lots of Italian words...
lol @Francesca
@Helen427Do we have a conscience? Or a reputation?!?! I'm not the messiah, I'm just a very naughty boy!
Hey @Helen427 . it's your inner Italian coming out! :DDD
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Linee guida della community@Lizzie Ah, so that explains the mystery. I didn't have any trouble logging in, guess you had fixed it by then, but it seemed so weird that in the 12 hours or so since I had logged out, there were only about 5 new posts and responses. I happen to be reading a novel right now about a major world event where all the computer systems had shut down, meaning there was no water delivery, electricity, cell signals, hospital equipment couldn't function, tens of thousands of people end up starving and freezing, and immediately found myself wondering if there had actually been some world catastrophe that I hadn't heard about yet.
Glad it was only a CC glitch 🙂
Man, you're brave to read novels dealing with such scenarios... These days, more and more, I find myself seeking out very peaceful, soothing Youtube videos, eg someone's tour around Scotland 🙂 - that's about all I can cope with.
Unfortunately, real life keeps intruding 😉
@Patricia55 It isn't a genre I specifically seek out- I was out of anything to read and a neighbor passed it on 🙂 I never watch disaster or horror movies.
However, the story isn't unlikely seeing how virtually everything is run by computer these days- if the whole internet and computer systems went down for more than a day, things would quickly devolve into chaos and suffering in many places, especially for city dwellers who may not have much food or water on hand and have few survival skills.
Aye, my niece's husband – a bit of a prepper - tells me about this all the time!
Not absolutely sure whether/how I want to get on board with it...
(I know someone who has an "end plan" though - could be comforting, lol ;))