New to the forum? Introduce yourself here!

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

New to the forum? Introduce yourself here!

**We now have a new introduction discussion, to view click here. We look forward to hearing from you. This topic is closed to new replies. Thank you **



Hi everyone,


Welcome to the Airbnb Community Center. This thread is for introducing yourself to your fellow Airbnb forum members, as well as welcoming and saying hi to newcomers in return, in order to make everyone feel like they belong.


I'm Marjo, and I lead the Community Center staff team who will manage this online forum on a daily basis. You will see me posting here sometimes, along with our other English community staff member @Lizzie, who has just joined as well and will be introducing herself in this thread too - Lizzie will be managing the English community full-time once we launch the forum.


Here's a few additional facts about me:

  1. My favourite city is San Francisco. I spent hours and hours of time there on Google street view for years, until I actually got to visit the city in person recently. Such a friendly and colourful place!
  2. I have 2 cats which probably makes me a bit of a (crazy) cat lady.
  3. I'm originally from Helsinki, Finland.

How about you, any fun facts you want to share? 🙂


I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you so feel free to reply to this thread and say hello!



New to the Community Center? Check Getting Started for guidelines and info.

1,250 Replies 1,250
Level 2
Bellbowrie, Australia

Hey Clara, thanks for your thoughts!  I hadn't expected a reply so quickly 🙂  


I'm just starting on this journey and I'm using a few tools to get me started e.g, Pricelabs and AirDNA. Pricelabs helps me set prices by monitoring the competition and occupancy rates (in my location) and AirDNA gives me intelligence data on my suburb too. I'm going to refine this over time (as I see how my bookings go), and like what you have suggested. 


As for the photos, they are all my place (except the beach shots obviously) - they were professionally taken.  And, I know it looks fake, but the view out the window is the real view.  Every time we take a photo (whether on a phone or professional), the view always comes out the same!  


Thanks for the thoughts Clara.



Level 10
Pensacola, FL

@Paul885 Great to get a response Paul. Cool that you are checking AirDna  - for some terrific info go to LearnAirbnb.....Symon and Jim are wonderful and there you can learn so much incase you haven't been to their website. 

Also, on youtube - check out Richard on STU short term rental University. ...... he has some very cool videos where he takes listings and reviews and goes through them with suggestions. Alot of his ideas are great and he is a superhost now with about 6 or more rentals.............I think he is making a bundle.

Awesome photos!!! And the view!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Best regards, Clara


Level 2
Bellbowrie, Australia

Great suggestions!!!!   Thanks heaps.


Cheers, Paul

Level 3
New York, NY


We are new to Airbnb.  I am Tawanna and I am Allan's fiance ( I am not the woman in the picture, she is Allan's sister) lol.....  I help with hosting the airbnb with Allan.  We started with Airbnb this March and as soon as we published our listing we had our first guest.  It was very nice and a new for me but Allan has been renting for the past 15years so this was not a new experience for him.  I am delighted to join the discussions because you learn a lot from one another to know what's best for the guest as well as what not to do.  So far I have learned a few things by looking at the community discussion board as well as visiting other members listings.   

I am hoping to for us to be a success with the AIrbnb, hosting seems like its a knack for me. 


Thank you everyone and please have a beautiful evening and a wonderful holiday for those who celebrate it.



Level 2
Townsend, TN

I am new to Airbnb and just trying to find my way around.  I have taken advantage of the help center and am still learning.  My husband and I occupy our listing so we offer a couple of private bedrooms as well as the loft area.  

Level 2
Hong Kong

Hey, just became a host a few days ago and already got so many books to cover half of my rent... Its marvellous. Thanks for your help and support so far, Airbnb. Really cool platform!

Level 2
Mobile, AL

Hello Everyone....I am new to AirBnB hosting and have my first guests coming in next weekend. I am very excited about hosting and sharing my home. My two listings are in Mobile, AL - one for my entire home and another for a private bedroom. I describe myself as a rideshare driving, vegetarian, jigsaw puzzle lover.


I have browsed through several forums on the community discussion board and have found the information to be very helpful. Nothing like people helping people through shared experiences.


Thanks to everyone!

Level 2
Washington, DC


My name is Autumn, I have just started rehosting an apartment I own here in Washington, DC. I formerly hosted this same apartment in 2012 before the birth of my two sons. After having long-term tenants, I have switched back to Airbnb. Thus, far I have had a great experience getting back into the swing of Airbnb and hosting guests, I love sharing my amazing city with others, there is so much more to DC that is so often missed, and I hope to share that with our guests. I hope to learn more about all of the fantastic updates and tools that can be used; a lot has changed since 2012.


Best Wishes,


Level 3
Miami, FL

Hello all, this is Vimari from Miami.


I've been an Airbnb host for 3 years and reached Super Host status last year. 🙂


My husband Nariman and I live with our beautiful 80lb Chocolate Lab in a beautiful 1926 Spanish style home. I have lived in Miami for 15 years, originally from NY. Nariman has also been in Miami for 15 years and originally from Houston, TX. We love to travel and when we do we use Airbnb for our accommodations.


My background is in Hospitality, I worked for 20+ years in Hotels & Resorts. I love to travel, food, wine, music, and the arts. My favorite city in the world is Rome followed by NYC. I love meeting people and love hospitality which is why I decided to host on Airbnb. I love entertaining...especially breaking bread with great wine. My motto is you only live once..make the best of this life, travel the world and make a difference.


I became a Co-Host last year and really loving it. I am currently Co-hosting one property and looking forward to adding a few more.


I've been an independent entrepreneur for five years. I am a Certified Meeting Manager and work assisting corporations with their Meetings & Conferences, and I am also a Certified Peak Performance Coach helping individuals reach their full potential. I work from home or wherever my travels may take me.


Looking forward to interacting with the community. 




Level 2
Prince Edward, Canada

Hi everyone, I'm Jessie and am a newbie on Airbnb. I'm a single Mother with a full time job, and want to share my little piece of Prince Edward County, Ontario with fellow travellers. I'm having some difficulty getting my calendar situated, and what is good pricing, but I'm looking forward to meeting the challanges, and getting on board to be a superhost!!!

Hello everyone! My name is Elisabetta, I am originally from Italy and have been living in California for the past 25 years…With my husband Julian, we are big enthusiasts of the Airbnb spirit, we love the concept, been guests many, many times and as soon as we bought our house, we immediately started thinking about becoming hosts. We have started about 1.5 years ago and after the first quarter achieved the ‘superhost’ badge (and kept it ever since). We value the opportunity very much as a way to meet new people and practice the ‘art of hospitality’ which is really fun and very rewarding (we have a 100% 5 star reviews!!!). Being in a rural quiet area, our guests are looking for a different kind of experience, less functional and more personal. We love to think in terms of ‘anticipating their needs’ and enjoy the process of hosting without too much stress on the financial aspect (but also not forgetting about it). So far it has been a wonderful ride: surely there was some luck involved, but I am a firm believer in ‘be good to attract good’. I look forward to sharing experiences and suggestions with other hosts.

Level 2
Virginia Beach, VA

Greetings! I'm hosting in Virginia Beach, VA. Started in January 2018.


My home is located on waterfront property on a deep-water canal that leads to Broad Bay then leads to Chesapeake Bay. I offer two guest rooms and a shared bathroom in the house that I live in.


I have a cat, but I prefer guests not to bring their pets. Parking is not an issue. I have a large driveway and a big front yard and don't mind if somebody parks on the grass.


Also, I just joined a local Meetup group so I can meet other Airbnb'ers and home-sharing people in my area. 









Level 2
Cork, Ireland

Hi My name is Mika and I am from Cork, Ireland!


I just became an airbnb host one month ago and so far I am really enjoying the experience. My airbnb is in West Cork on the Wild Atlantic Way and is an incredibly beautiful part of Ireland on the coast.


I have been using airbnb as a guest for about a year, it is such an amazing platform and way of exploring different parts of the world.


My favourite city that I have visited is Istanbul, Turkey. It is such a vibrant place with many different cultures intermingeling together!

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Hi everyone. I just have one question to ask. I am new to airbnb. I listed my room for £39 per night but the guest who is coming said its two of them coming. Question:should the £39 per night room be for one guest or so should i soubke the price guest bring another friend whuch makes two person staying here?


Level 2
Vancouver, Canada

Hi, Lee here. My bestest city? Vancouver BC, where I was born. Much travelling, and some more to come. I love to hike, and bike, and soon will have a campervan to traverse north and east Canada!

im also getting a new doggie!