AirBnB calendar does not sync to VRBO!

Level 2
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

AirBnB calendar does not sync to VRBO!

I am soliciting ideas. . . .

I have a listing with VRBO, as well as AirBnB. However, my AirBnB reservations are not showing up in my VRBO calendar. 

I spoke with VRBO, and they said that AirBnB knows about the problem, but has not provided VRBO with a working iCal link.

Does anyone have a workaround for this problem?

68 Replies 68

Same issue.. 4 properties on both platforms with absolutely no synching issues up to a few days ago.  Right now I am unable to import an Airbnb calendar into VRBO, but I have no problems with and so on.. 


interesting observation: I have removed the airbnb link from one of the VRBO properties and I am unable to add it, getting an error message "Please check the url you entered. If the problem persists, please contact the calendar provider for assistance.".. HOWEVER, If I go into any other properties's calendar and try to edit the current "AirBnb import" link, it does provide a similar error and yet lets me save! 


so.. where is the issue? Airbnb or VRBO? Feels like VRBO to me as other sites are working w/o any issues!






So if I'm understading you correctly, the information you posted shows the problem is with the Airbnb link then. Is that correct?

I received the below just this morning from a HomeAway/VRBO Community Manager.  No timeline of resolution, but at least it is acknowledgement:

"This is a known issue and HomeAway and ABB are working together to try to resolve. Thank you."

This worked! THANK YOU!!

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello Everyone,


Thank you for letting us know about the difficulties you have been experiencing when trying to sync your Airbnb calendar with external calendars (VRBO & HomeAway). I reported this back to our Product Team and they have investigated this further. I am pleased to say the syncing difficulties you have been experiencing with these two external calendars have now been resolved. 


I am sure you will all be very pleased to hear this and please do continue to update me on how this is working for you. 


Thanks again,







Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

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OMG it works great! THey are both now connected.

So easy to do!

I have two properties on both vrbo and airbnb and its like I go crazy trying to keep the four of them all matched up.

I'm so happy!!!



Calendar importing

Calendar importing allows you to automatically keep your Airbnb calendar up to date with an external calendar that supports the iCalendar format, including Google calendar or the calendar on HomeAway or VRBO.

To import a calendar:

  1. Go to Manage Listings on
  2. Click Manage Listing and Calendar for the listing you want to edit
  3. Click Availability Settings in the top-right corner of your calendar view
  4. Under Sync Calendars, select Import calendar
  5. Paste your calendar’s URL in the Calendar address (URL) field (Get the export link from the other site.)
  6. Name your calendar
  7. Click Import calendar
    [Personal information hidden]
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

This is great news @Anna516, thanks so much for letting me know it is all working for you. Happy calendar syncing! 🙂


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

I've had the same issue for at least one month, after seeing Lizzie's message I gave it some time to see if the problem would fix itself but nothing so far.  I can import the Airbnb calendar into VRBO but unable to import VRBO into Airbnb.  if i copy VRBO then paste in the fieldthen it asks me to name the calendar when I do so the pasted link disappears again..over and over the same issue.


Furthermore since I have to manually block the dates in my airbnb calendar it sometimes reopens dates, I have had to cancel my first reservation with VRBO because of Airbnb automatically booked a date that was previously reserved.  I hopw this gets looked at again and fixed so i don't end up having to cancel again.

Good Morning,


Can anyone one tell me why is it a secret to locate the airbnb and VRBO calendar URL.  It should be very accessible.  They provide instruction how to sync the calendars but never provided the calendar URL number.  That makes no sense. Thank you.

AirBnB is not accepting the URL from VRBO.  Also, the dates don't show up exaclty the same as reserved.  

Level 2
Michigan, United States


I see the post from 03-03-2017 but have not found VRBO and airbnb to connect. Are there still errors that we're working on resolving?


Online Community Manager Lizzie
Online Community Manager
London, United Kingdom
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Troy24,


Thanks for mentioning me in your post. In terms of question regarding syncing, are you finding that when you try to sync your calendar it isn't working and if so can you provide more information on what is happening please as quite a few months have passed since I updated this post, it could be something different. 


Alternatively, if you are generally asking how to actually sync your calendar, there is a useful Help Center article on this which might help.


Do let me know and I will try to help. 🙂 







Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Level 1
St. Augustine, FL

Did anybody ever figure this out?


Here's my situation:

I have 1 property that is listed on both Airbnb and VRBO. Earlier today I synced the calendars together and was able to see all the reservations on either calendar.


Here's my problem:

45 minutes ago someone booked a 1 night stay on Airbnb for later this week (he used Instant Book). I went into VRBO and checked the calendar, and his new Airbnb reservation does NOT appear on the VRBO calendar. 


To clarify, I do see Airbnb reservations on my VRBO calendar, but those were already booked before I synced the calendars. It seems that now that the two calendars are synced, none of my future Airbnb reservations are going to sync to my VRBO calendar.


Does anyone know the solution?


Having same problem!! 

I'm having the same problem. Yesterday someone booked through ABB, it showed up on my HW calendar. Today someone booked through ABB, it doesn't show up on my HW calendar. I tried reimporting the calendar, and now it says the link is no good. It was fine yesterday. This is why I stopped using HW for a year. sigh. Anyone have a solution?