Airbnb Open 2016 in Los Angeles

Level 3
Dublin, Ireland

Airbnb Open 2016 in Los Angeles

In 2016, Airbnb Open is headed to Los Angeles! We’re working hard to create a fantastic event featuring exceptional speakers, helpful workshops, and one-of-a-kind opportunities for you to connect with fellow hosts from around the world. This global gathering of hosts, guests, Airbnb leaders and hospitality experts takes place November 17th-19th.

Watch for event and ticket sales information. Registration will open in June.

In the meantime, dig into these highlights from Airbnb Open 2015 for a look at last year’s event.

I encourage you to leave a comment and let us know what you’re hoping to see, do and experience this year in Los Angeles.

Don’t hold back: share your wildest dreams! We can’t wait to read about them.


108 Replies 108
Level 1
Nova Scotia, Canada

I'm trying to fill out registration and it won't let me get beyond page 1.  It highlights in yellow Nova Scotia and Canada. Do I need to do something different registering from Canada?

Level 2
Queensland, Australia

Can I please have some information regarding the Airbnb Open!  I've  paid the Earlybird Host fee for my attendance in July this year going from Australia for  the LA open and have not received anything else since. I did see that Airbnb delegates should  receive some notification early October. I don't want to confirm flights and accommodation without acknowledgement of my attendance. 

As it is only weeks to go for the LA Open I would appreciate some urgent feedback!

Many thanks,

Barbara **






Level 2
Portland, OR

Does each individual under my profile need to sign up for events separately or when i fill it out is it done for everyone i bought tickets for...

I had the same question because I signed up for a open house and community dinner so I contacted them. They told me that each person I bought a ticket for was included in those sign ups. 

Thanks Susan I really appreciate it... Maybe i will see you at the open 😉

Level 2
Portland, OR

Can someone future explain the different activities for open....Whats the difference between open house and neighborhood exploration?

Level 1
Pittsburgh, PA

I can not login with my paid ID HELP

Level 3
Chicago, IL

Hello, I am wondering if there is still a way to buy 3 day passes for the event. I had not bough the passes because I was finalizing travel arrangements and now that I did that the page to buy the passes says that sales are over. Please help and direct me to any place I can still buy passes or if there are cancelations that may become available to other hosts.


Thank you!


Marco S

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Marco304,


Welcome to the Community Center.


Aw I am sorry to hear you miss out on getting a pass, I am afraid the period for buying AO16 tickets has now passed and so this is why the page is not longer showing this. The only thing I can suggest is that you contact as they are dealing with Open support questions. They might be able to suggest something. 


Good luck and do let us know how you get on. 🙂




Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Level 1
Los Angeles, CA

Do I need to register for this event ?

Bilo Awards ticket for sale.  I'm unable to attend and will sell for face value.  Text Kimberly @ 714-345-9556.

Level 2
Portland, OR

i saw if you were a super host to check in on  4th floor of  Clifton Cafeteria for special surprise does anyone know what it is?

Yes. It's worth going. Plus it's a super cool place. (You didn't think I'd spoil the surprise, did you?)


🙂 Judi, superhost... lovin' Airbnb Open

Please tell, iam really on the fence about skipping it lol... Now the anticipation is killing me lol

The restaurant Cliftons is a very cool place.  I went on Thursday and was told the airbnb 4th floor Superhost "Surprise" was not open.  Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought it would be open on Thursday.  The manager @ Cliftons that cut me off at the front door explained that there had been a steady stream of people from airbnb asking for the same thing.  Sorry, not today!  I myself was terribly dissapointed in the whole "Festival - Street Scene" concept of this venue.  Los Angeles proper and the surrounding area is a very beautiful city.  Downtown LA is not, ( in my opinion ) a good example of "The City of Angels".  Stepping over the homeless, beggers on every street and corner and the never ending smell of urine isn't my idea of an awesome time.  I signed up for the airbnb Open to see the keynote speakers and to hopefully attend some seminars that would increase my skills and abilites as an airbnb host.  Come to find out, the venues of the keynote speakers could only accomodate a limited # of people and long lines and wait time were prohibitive to actually getting a seat in any of the theaters.  


So, back to the "Superhost Surprise".  All of the "Superhosts" I've talked to, skipped going to Cliftons.  The inconvenience wasn't worth it.  Anyone willing to tell those of us who are disenchanted what we missed?