Airbnb Open LA Early Bird Registration Opens Today!

Level 3
Dublin, Ireland

Airbnb Open LA Early Bird Registration Opens Today!

Your hospitality is making the world more welcoming and inspiring, and we want to celebrate you! Please join us November 17-19 in Los Angeles for Airbnb Open LA, our largest community gathering ever and the premier global festival of hosting.


At Airbnb Open LA, you’ll get a preview of new ways to expand your hosting by sharing your talents and your neighborhood with guests. You’ll get inspiration from world-class talks by hospitality experts and leaders from Airbnb. You’ll enjoy the some of the best food, architecture, art, and music that Los Angeles has to offer. You’ll share stories and make connections with fellow hosts from more than 100 countries.


Early bird registration opens today! Don’t miss your chance to purchase discounted passes for this historic event where Airbnb will unveil new ways for you to host.



78 Replies 78
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thanks so much @Patrick-And-Katja0 for sharing your local knowledge here. Any tips on handling public transport in this neighborhood?



Also, for those of you attending and looking for more information, I have shared a link in this thread in the AO board with some more details on exploring LA and the venue locations.






Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

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Level 2
Placerville, CA

When is a good time to arrive on Thursday? What events are on Thursday and what time do they start?

Level 1
San Marcos, CA

Where will the La La Land Screening take place? When will the line start forming? I don't want to miss this. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Elena246,


It is exciting to see you have made a video and thanks for sharing your video with us. As it is slightly off-topic in this thread, I am going to have to remove it, but I hope you will continue to explore the CC. I hope you understand my reason for this. 






Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.