Airbnb Open LA Early Bird Registration Opens Today!

Level 3
Dublin, Ireland

Airbnb Open LA Early Bird Registration Opens Today!

Your hospitality is making the world more welcoming and inspiring, and we want to celebrate you! Please join us November 17-19 in Los Angeles for Airbnb Open LA, our largest community gathering ever and the premier global festival of hosting.


At Airbnb Open LA, you’ll get a preview of new ways to expand your hosting by sharing your talents and your neighborhood with guests. You’ll get inspiration from world-class talks by hospitality experts and leaders from Airbnb. You’ll enjoy the some of the best food, architecture, art, and music that Los Angeles has to offer. You’ll share stories and make connections with fellow hosts from more than 100 countries.


Early bird registration opens today! Don’t miss your chance to purchase discounted passes for this historic event where Airbnb will unveil new ways for you to host.



78 Replies 78


you are certainly not alone . Its not just issues in LA, but all over . In San Francisco , despite a long campaign to make it fully legal 

our politicians want to but the issue on the Ballot again, even after it was done and passed in the last election . Its never ending 

But I'm sure there will be announcements on the issue , as people who want to attend the Open want to be sure that there will be no legal issues to prevent them from attending the Open !




Taxes ( bed) and insurance cost a bunch!!! Legal.

Hi,  I would like to keep on moving forward with the rights of property ownership.  The state and federal laws supercedes any laws, that cities, and Homeowners Associations, and  CC&R's can rightfully restrict or impose on property owners of their right to rent. ie: It would be illegal for any Homeowners association to collect an imposed fine for renting less then 6 mos., if a tenant moves before a 6 month lease expirers, the owner cannot charge a tenant for moving out. 

It seems that this issue of short term rentals, that's brewing, is in need of some strong legal advocation for us small time owners trying to make another end meet.

I admit that some times our guest do not follow the rules, but we can work on that.  We should be able to come up with plans that have a more productive if not lucrative, stay experience for our guests and us hosts.  

Susan, Fallbrook, CA

Maybe airbnb could put forth an intention to offer assistance to homeless, or some other community housing actions.... with their take.... While we mush thru the rules and regs. I would prefer it be a win win situation for all. In Cambria, we have water rationing nearly all the time.... That is why we started Airbnb.... beleive it or not. To save water....  



Yay, just booked.  Can't wait to meet other hosts.

Meeting New and Old Friends at the Open is one of the best experiences you can have there !!


Level 10
Bridport, Australia

I just booked too, but I haven't received any acknowledgement email or message yet.

Is this normal?


I received mine almost immediately. I would suggest looking in your Spam

I would triple check, as I got mine instantly. That said you might end up not being registered. Check everything out

Level 2
San Francisco, CA

Would be fantastic if Air offered some sort of discount to those of us who went to Paris.....

Level 5
San Francisco, CA

Hi Clement ! 

Thank you for the update .

Do you have any other information not yet on the Website ?

it seems that there is a lack of important information relating to the Guest speakers such as Bio's and why they are being featured as speakers .  I do get the Hollywood angle , but is everyone else getting the Red Carpet theme ?Also , is there a central meeting space or will it be dispersed all over the Downtown LA area . 


The lack of information makes it very difficult for people to decide on the why and value of attending the next Open .



Level 1
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

I have registered so we (Andrew and Annette) will be there again. For those of you who were in SF / Paris, we are the Scottish from Edinburgh.

Would like to know more about the venues. Is there one venue where everyone comes together or are we going to be spread out (doesn't seem great to be honest).

There is a lot of Missing and very important detailed information Missing from The Open Website . 

I am very disappointed that it has not explained the logistics at all . In fact , Airbnb can do better with providing this type of information to any attendees . At this point a lot of details should be posted or at least something telling us that more information is forthcoming , especially where purchaes and accommodations must be made in advance . 

Still waiting for a reply @Clément4




I have been last year in Paris, and except for the abrupt ending, it was a "blast" 😉


Just bought 1 early bird ticket, but now got the email with a discount link due to having been in 2015. Can I get a refund of the difference?


2nd question: last year there were special prices for accompanying persons. Will it be so also these time?

