Anyone get de listed yesterday.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Anyone get de listed yesterday.

Hi There,

Did anyone get unlisted Yesterday ?

Some of my flats got delisted last night without any explanation from Airbnb and i have got an email today saying this


Dear Hassan And Hussein ,

We have received your message regarding your account. Our mission is to allow Airbnb guests to connect with hosts who provide local and authentic experiences that make the city a better place to live, work and visit. We routinely carry out initiatives for quality purposes and adherence to this mission. The outcome cannot be changed.


Airbnb Team


I Have seen that a lot of hosts in london was getting emails last 2 weeks about being delisted but i can see that no one actually got delisted.

Anyone knows what's going on ?


Thanks Hassan

53 Replies 53

@Stephanie-And-Steven0 - Hi Stephanie - I promise I am not taking sides at all - there is nothing wrong with boutique bnb owners using the airbnb platform alongside homeowners with a room or an entire apartment or house to rent - ultimately it is the guests who select their preferred experience based on all offers open to them. 

I also feel it was wrong of ABB to pull the rug from under bnbs and multi-listing owners in the way that they seem to have done, when it was they who enabled multi-listing owners to use the platform, come to rely upon it as a source of guests and take a share in their $ income. 

I really have every empathy for your and many others hosts situation and the impact on their businesses. Its not been handled fairly.


I do expect the hotels to be as aggressive towards bnbs, and holiday property portfolio owners as they will towards individuals with rooms to rent - that's commerce and competition.


However, as I say, it is ultimately the guest who decides what suits them, what experience they want and where they want to spend their money - and in that regard, we are all in the same pool.


I wish you every continued success for your business.


Warm regards, Maxine

I'm not sure why you directed your comments toward me Maxine.  Especially since, unlike Rob, you do seem to think it's fine that small B&Bs and boutique hotels use the Airbnb platform.

Was it because I said we were trying things out to see if we could grow into that?

Just to be clear here. We are fine. We have two suites in a house we own and occupy about half the time - I came to the defense of people who are using Airbnb as a platform for starting their own, small business and said I do not think it is Airbnb's place to be concerned with protecting the business of hotel chains.

Let me say this one more time as simply as I possibly can: Airbnb should NOT be worried about protecting the business of hotel chains.

Hotel chains want Airbnb to feel responsible for us eating into what they see as their profits because they want it all. They are lobbying to get Airbnb to cut listings and change rules in order to make sure they get ALL THE GUESTS.

I'm sorry I can't spend an hour putting that into words of one syllable but really, I thought it was clear the first four times I said it.

All of that is still true and I do take some offense to the confrontational/corrective tone you took directed, by name, at me, Maxine. (This is Stephanie speaking, Steven wouldn't notice.)

So, I guess what I'm saying is, get your facts in line before you choose someone to single out for irrelevant criticism
and snippity doo dah right back atcha.

@Stephanie-And-Steven0 - I am at a loss Stephanie to understand why you are at all upset or read anything I said as being anything other than supportive and nice towards you.

I only responded twice to this posting that has dozens of responses from lots of hosts. And my second response above was due to the fact that I thought you were taking an earlier comment I made as being unsympathetic to your situation. I admit I must have misunderstood that you are against the ABB being used by bnb owners, as your comment that I first responded to, appeared to say that hosts are critical of small business owners and you felt that was unfair. Clearly I mis-read that - and no, I didn't scroll back through dozens of comments to have seen your other 3 or 4 postings.


Its easy to mis-read or mis-interpret comments and more so 'tone' - but I can certainly assure you, my tone when writing was anything but snippy. I was really nice towards you. So I am quite taken a back by your latest comment .....



Please stop addressing me in your comments.


This is totally wrong:  "I admit I must have misunderstood that you are against the ABB being used by bnb owners, as your comment that I first responded to, appeared to say that hosts are critical of small business owners and you felt that was unfair."


I am not against B&B owners using the platform. I am not against anyone using the Airbnb platform, I think this should become the way people travel. Period. Full stop.


I am against making compromises for the sake of large hotel chains and I am against being constantly drawn into a conversation, personally and specifically, on someone else's whim.


And every time you address me, it shows up in my email and I really don't want that. It draws attention to me on this issue and I don't want that either.


Maxine. I am not on your case. Why do you keep picking on me? Can't you talk to somebody else?

Oh for goodness sake @Stephanie-And-Steven0 - are you serious? If you don't want to be engaged or addressed or communicated with, don't participate in open forums - and no-one will communicate with you. Simple.


You can't expect to remain anonomous or decide who does or doesn't respond to a public comment 'you make'


I am not picking on you at all - it is you who seems to decide who you are happy to receive a response from, and that appears to be anyone who agrees soley with your opinion. I neither agreed not disagreed with your opinion - I did misunderstand that you may have been pro- airbnb multiple listings or traditional bnbs using the platform, but that was due to your own comments that seemed to imply that and also your response to me that seemed to take offense that I may not have been supportive of multi-listing hosts purely becuase I have just a single home listing.


We actually agree on the issue regarding multiple listing hosts that are not present - so we don't even have any disagreement at all


However, In an 'open forum' it is not up to you to decide who responds to your posts, how they respond, nor have a go at people who take the time to respond, nor throw rocks at them for doing so and then claim to be picked on, if they do. Grow up


i have tried to be nice to you. I apologised for misunderstanding your stance as i didn't read all your posts and later ones were implying something different than the stance you hold. And instead of that appeasing you and being accepted you make this ridiculos further response and insist that you don't want to draw attention to yourself.


If that's the case - don't enter into further postings and try to see arguments that don't actually exist.


I don't now who you are - I have no issues with you - I just gave an opinion in an open forum, you took umbrage to it (goodness knows why) posted a misguided, snippy response aimed directly at me - and even though i replied with a polite expanation, you come back again with a further response whilst claiming you don't want to have attention drawn to yourself.


So let this be the end of the matter, and you won't get anymore attention from me or anyone else.


And if any other topics come up, don't respond to them if you don't want any responses or any attention. It's not difficult to achieve.


If you respond to this and draw further attention to yourself in an 'open forum' (when you've stated you don't want any attention), I'll have no option than to percieve you are a tad dim.


What I have noticed is that Airbnb started de-listing my disactivated listings at first?!  WEird, isn't it.  Some of these have been duplicated, others I am no longer advertising, or within the same property there were 3 rooms advertised as seperate listings, obviously.  Overall I had 3 active listings and 5 disactivated = 8 in total.  If a computer starts "counting" these, I might be running a botique hotel, yes.  So why not delisting me. 


I reckon the right question is: has anyone with a single property, or maybe 2 (in total, actve + disactivated) has been delisted?

@Izzie0, regarding your comment on if anyone had be de-listed with one property.  Yes, see here, in London.


Hi Milu and Robin,


Thank you for your comments. 


Since my listings being de listed 2 days ago now, I have still had no proper explanation from airbnb as to why they have been de-listed. I have sent several emails and made many calls to be told the relevant department will contact you soon.


I have over 300 future bookins over the next few months where all of these guests have planned their well deserved holidays, booked flights and made plans and are now questioning me why my listing has been removed and whether their bookings are still confirmed. In all honesty I do not know myself whether these bookings are still confirmed and will be paid out? As airbnb still have not answered any of my questions...

Furhtermore, it is making me look as if I am a vilan or have done something wrong.


Like yourself Milu, I am running a proepr business model, paying all taxes, bills and going above and beyond to ensure my guests have a great stay, as we want repeat customers, good review and guests to have a great time.


By having 20 apartments listed on airbnb you have to realise the amount of work and organisation goes into planning every single day, from checkins/out, cleaning, meet and great, problems arrising, damages, people arriving early or late. And to be left in the dark by airbnb over night with no prior warning is a disgrace on airbnb's behalf.


I sincerely someone from airbnb is reading these threads and makes necessary changes to help all hosts.






Hi @Guneet0,


I am curious if you can re-list the listings?  I know this would not help you in getting the guests back but again, curious what would happen.




Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Community Expert ~ Experienced Co-Host

I am unable to relist. I have not had any future bookings cancelled yet. I am concered they will be cancelled as I have read this has happened to other hosts. This will be a disaster for guests who have planned holidays and booked flights.

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia

@Guneet0 @Maria-Lurdes0 @Stephanie-And-Steven0 @Maxine0...Hi again Guneet, the last thing I would want to do is give the impression that what you do is not professional. I am sure you are utterly professional...and my God look at those reviews..nearly 400 of them!! "Very responsive and professional host. Guneet provided all the flexibility we needed with the booking and nothing was too much trouble for him"....Man, this is gold! You are good at what you do, and you obviously put the effort in...

There seriously needs to be a platform for people like you Guneet, I just don't think Airbnb is that platform. You multiple hosts seem to slip between the can't list effectively with organistations like, Wotif, Expedia, Asiarooms,Trivago! These are hotel comparison sites, and you are now in trouble with home hosting sites. Airbnb is possibly facing the brunt of this at the moment because it is the fastest growing platform but, no doubt Homeaway, Holiday Lettings, Flipkey, TripAdvisor, Stayz and a dozen or so others are all going to be targeted for the same treatment.


There needs to be a specific platform for entrepreneurship in the 'boutique hotel' market where local government bylaws form MORE of an integral part of the platform. You are not hotels in the strict sense of the word but you operate more on a hotel basis than a home host one! The cost may be a little higher because of listing requirements, but people like you Guneet could flower in what you do best.


Instead of this heavyhanded treatment we are now seeing where Airbnb are driving a wedge between 40% of their income and their guest pool, effectively wasting a lot of their resources fighting these various external influences.....Why can't they put their brains to work setting up another platform to accommodate their multiple hosts, and simply transfer them to that platform without alienating them....... and loosing them!

Nah....maybe I'm just to old for this game.....I sure hope it works out for you Guneet....I would like to shake your hand one day... cheers...Rob

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Sorry Rob,



But what you say does not make sense having in mind that yet there are plenty of hosts on airbnb with multiple listings (i). Furthermore Airbnb itself encourages multiple listings by simply allowing you to list more than one property.  I have ALL my 3 listings de-listed without any explanation rather than an automated email, which was collectively sent to others.


The website used to be a good place, but it's turning into a dead end, particularly having in mind the level of poor customer service and lack of adequate communication.

Good on you Robin. I agree entirely. 

Guneet,  If you register your listings to varied businesses under your name, you can continue to list them separately on Airbnb. They just can't all be under the same profile. That said, VRBO and HomeAway are definitely the way to go for full time VR properties. Airbnb is intended to me more of a home sharing service.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Precisely.  But THEN, hosts should NOT be given the option of listing multiple properties.  It's a mess now & Airbnb lose their credibility by playing unfair.