Anyone get de listed yesterday.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Anyone get de listed yesterday.

Hi There,

Did anyone get unlisted Yesterday ?

Some of my flats got delisted last night without any explanation from Airbnb and i have got an email today saying this


Dear Hassan And Hussein ,

We have received your message regarding your account. Our mission is to allow Airbnb guests to connect with hosts who provide local and authentic experiences that make the city a better place to live, work and visit. We routinely carry out initiatives for quality purposes and adherence to this mission. The outcome cannot be changed.


Airbnb Team


I Have seen that a lot of hosts in london was getting emails last 2 weeks about being delisted but i can see that no one actually got delisted.

Anyone knows what's going on ?


Thanks Hassan

53 Replies 53


Delete.  Will just start a new thread

Hi @Guneet0,

I saw you made the BBC news.

Still any reason why you were delisted? Are the 14 listings legal?

Please provide us with an update.




Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Community Expert ~ Experienced Co-Host

Hi Dave,


Yes I spoke with BBC and we are fortunate they were able to write an article on behalf of hosts who have been removed for no reason.


Unfortunately, there was still no response from anyone at airbnb. None of my listings were illegal and you can see from my reviews all guests had a great time staying at my properties.


I am hoping there will be more coverage on this topic and hosts will be able to get answers from airbnb.


Has anyone else heard anything who has been delisted?




After the surprise of de-listing, now the panic of future guests arriving starts...


What do you say that sounds truthful to the guests?


Hi Marcus

I wanted to have a look again at the description and photos of the appartment to see what is there and what we can expect exactly. However I notice the appartment has disappeared from Airbnb. Hopefully our trip is still on? Is there another pointer to the description and photo's? Thanks, Erik


BTW, Once you are de-listed, Airbnb offers no advice on what will happen to your account or what to expect.



Level 10
London, United Kingdom

So what happened to the money paid by tourists for the delisted properties did they get it back?

This particular U.S host by the name of ***, talking about the spirit of Airbnb, I wonder how such hosts are even allowed to exist. Personally I would never book with such a "host". Wondering how their listings haven't been taken down yet.



Listen to Airbnb CEO, Brian explain the core value of Airbnb, "Being a Host", "Difference between a house and a home".

I hope, abiding by the core princiles, Airbnb soon takes down hosts like "***".


Hi @Lizzie, I've already reported this "host" with 489 listings, violating the core princliple of Airbnb, would like to know if there'll be any possible action. These lisitngs are like Spam in my location. Overprices, non responsive, "non-homes".


Thanks 🙂


Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Jeet0,


Lovely to hear from you. It is great to hear your passion here and your concern over the welfare of guests travelling to your region. 


As you have flagged this listing, this will have now be highlighted to a team within Airbnb who will look into this further, so it's in good hands. It is really good to hear that you have reported this through this process, so thanks for this.




In terms of your posts here, I am sure you will have noticed that I have removed the link to the host's listing, this is because singling out personally to an individual does go against the Community Center guidelines we have here. I hope you understand the feeling behind why I have done this and the positive environment we try to encourage here. 🙂



Thanks so much and speak to you soon. Lizzie


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Thanks @Lizzie, I completely understand. Going by that profile, and in a hurry, I totally forgot to treat that account as an individual, since it is named after a company and not a person.


Thanks for correcting me and I'll ensure I participate more responsibly going ahead 🙂

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia

@Lizzie....I know this is not related to this thread but Lizzie, today I received a lovely bag of goodies compliments of the CC forum. Did you have anything to do with this? If you did, thank you so much, it is a lovely gesture....cheers....Rob