Bookings slowing...Season???

Level 7
Altamont, TN

Bookings slowing...Season???

Hello everyone,

Am  a new and very happy host on Airbnb. Opened April 28th this year and have been flooded with bookings for my Little Mountain Cabin from the third day. I only had a few nights open in May, June, and July. Everyone has been wonderful and it seems the most of the bookings were within a week or two of the expected arrival. Now, here it is nearly the end of July and I only have two bookings for August. I have wracked my brain trying to figure out why the slowdown, perhaps the hot weather? I'm in Middle Tennessee but many parts of the country are hot now. Is it because school starts in many areas in August?

I have not changed the wording in my summaries, and have added additional excellent quality photos. I started with about 30, as my property is quite unique and the view/locale is the major selling point, as the mountain activities that are so close by as well as on my property. I now have about 40 high quality photos, mostly of the view and surroundings. 

So am I just a newbie getting nervous  after an amazing spring/early summer response to my property? 

I have about 18 reviews, all 5 star and am a Superhost now. 

Any suggestions or words of comfort so I can stop worrying????



19 Replies 19

Hi Linda,

Thank for your imput and congrats on your Super Host status as well!  I've moved the interior's up a bit...and truthfully, I tend to rotate photos rather frequently in order to keep things fresh. I set up the order, because in my mind,  the real pull and uniquenesas of my listing for my area (and I know most ALL Airbnb are totally 'unique', it's what is wonderful about the whole idea!) is really not the's the amazing environment, the incredible view with it's ever changing vistas, seclusion and privacy and the location, not only snuggled in the cove, but the proximity to a really hidden gem of a Park and the hiking (backcountry) right from the farm. So I guess I made a judgement call as to that, also based on what my guests have told me. I make a point to ask every one of them why they chose Little Cabin. And I do try and adjust based on their feedback. Because, as you said, I want to learn all that I can about how I can improve. The Cabin is adorable, no doubt, but it's quite small, a true 'tiny house', and I try and make that very very clear to prospective guests,  and so far, all but one guest has said they booked because of the draw they felt through the photos of the view, mainly the extraordinary privace (this seemed the number one reason and then the views) the location of the cabin, and the hiking. I truly only want to draw in those who want this environment, so as to avoid any disappointment if it's not 'their bag'...because of the seclusion, lack of access to the 'world' so to speak! It's been an amazing learning experience, the things I thought were important as far as the cabin was concerned, have turned out to not be that important to guests...Who knew?? and in asking them, I've been able to make adjustments accordingly, when hearing the suggestions repeatedly.  When I look at a listing, say for myself, I really peruse the space, if  it's not 'charming' or laid out well, I pass. So I do try and keep the photos of the inside fairly close, within say 8 of the cover shot. And I do keep the shot of the outside of the cabin right up front.'s an always changing journey. I'm sooo busy and so surprised at how busy. I never ever expected this...And I am so grateful for the Airbnb opportunity and the community... do you handle reviewing a less than stellar guest? I usually wait to review until I know they've done theirs, but am concerned that if I do an even slightly negative review then they will retaliate unfairly...Any experience with that? I hate to pass on a bad guest to another host, so.......And I've only had two in 28 guests so far...

@Deb75  If you have arranged your pictures based on the guest feedback and you like the guests you are hosting, then you are doing the right thing for your listing.  All "advice" given by hosts on this site should be matched with your experience and your experience is more applicable.  


Regarding your review question - it reveals that you have a common misconception about the review process.  Both reviews are visible to the other person only after both are published so the review reflects the writer's views, not the writer's reaction.  As you know, you can provide a response to each review, which so far have been positive.


Since the audience for a host review is another host, please be honest and concise.  Avoid lots of detail and long postings.  "Less than stellar guest" reviews should indicate the area of problem along with what is positive about the guest.  For example was the problem in how the guest treated the space or communication or understanding house rules.  When you review, provide a general area, not a lot of detail.  Some hosts use the host community to help compose a tricky review.  We have some great word smiths on this forum.

wow...thank you! You are so right, I didn't realize that the guest ALSO was prevented from viewing their review until they completed one. VRBO is different (and I so prefer Airbnb!)

I am much more comfortable now that I understand!..As I said, nothing major occured, say leaving some trash on the kitchen floor next to the trash can instead of taking it out, not cleaning up well (like the cooktop) leaving debri outside by the firepit, that sort of thing. Only one was rude and didn't want to play 'by the house rules' ...All others have been kind, considerate, just a bit lacking in their understanding of how to treat the space...So NOW I can feel comfortable with a little bit of constructive criticism...I hate to be that way but I don't want another host to not be able to make an informed decision. Thanks again!

I will avail myself of help here if I run into a quirky situation on a guest review!

Level 2
Perth, Australia

I am in Perth W.Australia and I have noticed booking on the decline. WHen I check other hosts properties, I see there calendars seem quite empty also, Perhaps there is a glut of hosts here and charging rediculously cheap fees !.  Well i am not about to open my door to anything less than $33 pernight p/p. When one considers the cost of hosint these guests and the cleaning of linen etc. it just not worth it.   Sigh 😞


Hi to manage me to get more reservation on low season thanks