Buisnes Ready

Level 1
Belfast, United Kingdom

Buisnes Ready



I ma trying to make my listing business ready and although it looks like I have met all the criteria I cannot see a way to switch this feature on?


Any ideas?





1 Reply 1
Level 10
Florence, Canada

The Help Centre certainly takes you in a loop, doesn't it, @Dermot10! Looks like you do all the things asked, and then sit back and wait for the happy day you get an email congratulating you on being a business-ready host. It's not going to happen here (although I once had business travellers who admitted to not reading the listing at all, and whom I ended up lodging in my own not-listed house), so I'm going by similar announcements - superhost, the tesla charger offer.

It's funny, though. Nearly 100% of my Airbnb stays as a guest are business stays, and not once have I used a business-ready listing. Got the offered coupon, note-space for expensing, and all that, but the business-readies are never in the right location or affordable, etc. 

So I'm not sure it makes a lot of difference. Business-ready folks can chime in to say I'm wrong.

That's just my own guest perspective. Hope it helps a little.