Professional Users

Level 2
Cabo Frio, Brazil

Professional Users

  1.   When announcing spaces with many units, the site's platform should offer its own calendar for a single ad that contains the total units, which does not currently occur. In case the user needs to advertise a space with several units he should currently make an announcement for each room, but if he has a considerable number of units available to announce the platform should encompass the total number of rooms in a single advertisement and provide an exclusive calendar. In case there are rooms with different standards the platform should inform the user that it is his responsibility to inform the traveler that the picture is merely illustrative and there may be small differences with respect to the size of the room, however for professional ads the user should maintain certain standards Like bedding, same wall color, TV, Design, Air Conditioning the same items of comfort and amenities, the standard should be focused on these items, the traveler should be aware that he will be paying for the bed in that standard, this will give Freedom for homeowners like (BIDS, HOTELS, HOSTELS) that have several units to have more freedom when it comes to allocating travelers. The photographs of the advertisement must show in general the type of the room or its class, if the property has different rooms, such as a larger bathroom, a bigger bed or one more detail that the unit can offer, it should To be included in their respective CLASS, which does not necessarily need to fit the standard of nomenclature of most hotels and inns like (STANDARD / EXECUTIVE / LUX) the host could have the freedom to create their own room classes, this would greatly facilitate The lives of users, including mine.




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Or, as a minimum, it should be possible to clone an add, which is a common feature in other booking systems.

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