Can guests leave a review for cancellation after check in?

Level 2
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Can guests leave a review for cancellation after check in?

I have cancelled guests threaten for damaging review if I do not issue them a refund.

My cancellation policy is ' strict '


Can guests leave a review if they cancelled after check in?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Farmington, CT

If they have actually checked in, yes-they can leave a review. If they cancelled before they ever checked in, no-they cannot leave a review.

Level 10
Traverse City, MI

Cancelled guests are not given the opportunity to leave a review. Threatening a poor review for lack of refund is also considered extortion and against Airbnb policy.


You can flag the message, but it'd be best to contact Airbnb directly about that violation. They take that kind of thing seriously and may bar the guest from future bookings. The rest of us hosts would appreciate you removing them from the potential guest pool! 😉

If they have actually checked in, yes-they can leave a review. If they cancelled before they ever checked in, no-they cannot leave a review. It just happened to me. Fortunately, it was a good review.