Cannot provide review on our guest

Level 2
Kawakawa, New Zealand

Cannot provide review on our guest

Hi. We just had our first guest staying with us. We would like to leave a review but there is no option to do so. We looked everywhere in addition to the profile section --> reviews by you. There it says "Nobody to review right now." which puzzles me. Any suggestion why we cannot review our guest?

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Brighton, United Kingdom

Isabel - you'll receive an email from airbnb approx 24hrs after guest leaves asking you to review guest. The guest will also get email to review you.

View Best Answer in original post

96 Replies 96
Level 2
Hawaii, United States

2 days, still can't review last guest. New at this so prompt reviews are critically important! They want to double fees for this level of quality?

Level 1
Sandton, South Africa

It is approaching 72 hours since my guest checked out. Airbnb, please let us know what's going on?  I work in IT and understand that things don't always work the way they should. But communication is key.



Level 2
Lexington, VA

I have exactly the same problem. My guests left two days ago and still I cannot leave a review. How can I resolve this? 

Level 1
California, United States



Has this issue been fixed? I had my fist airbnb guest that checked in on the 22 and checked out on the 23rd of this month (April). It is now the 24th less than 48 hours after my guest departed and I am unable to provide a review. 


I never received an e-mail asking me to review the guest nor have I received a notification in my dashboard asking me to review my guest. 


I find this to be a very disappointing as a host since reviews are the core of the airbnb platform. 


I have attempted to contact AIRBNB but I get redirected to the community.... any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

Level 1
San Diego, CA

Add me to the list of hosts unable to write or receive a review. It has been 3 full days since my last guest checked prompt. C'mon Air BnB, get it together, this has been clearly been going on for months. 

Same with me, I have not received notification to review my last guest.  He left last sunday and we are now thursday.

As a host ourselves, we travelled a week ago, and have not been able to review our lovely host.  Nor has she been able to review us!

We have communicated to each other using the standard AirBnb Inbox, and we are both having the same problem.

Surely AirBnB must be aware of these issues by now?

Level 1
Conway, AR

Same problem here. My guest left 4 days ago and I don't have access to review them. Hope it's fixed soon!

Level 1
Hong Kong

same here - cannot review my guest. nowhere on both the web and mobile app that allows me to leave them a review, and hence they won't be able to leave one for me. can help?

Level 2
Prescott Valley, AZ

I had the same problem and after about a week I got an e-mail.  


Level 2
Northcote, Australia

Hi there, has this been resolved?

My first guest checked out yesterday and there is no where for her to review me or me to review her.

Can you please update me on what happens next?


Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

I posted a question to Airbnb on Facebook regarding the lenght of time I have to wait for this notification email, and since then I get the email (plus the possibility to leave a review) right early next day after each guest checks out.  I don't know whether they set something differently since I contacted them, but I don't have any more problems with this. I was very annoyed waiting for their email a couple of days and not being able to write the review as soon as the guest leaves. 

Level 2
Prescott Valley, AZ

I had the same problem and I also asked questions.  It got fixed within two day and after that no problem.


Level 4
Winchester, United Kingdom

I agree - I want to leave a guest review as soon as they leave, while they are still fresh in my mind. Hope this is sorted out - I certainly don't want to have to wait A WEEK before I can review them!

Level 4
Winchester, United Kingdom

Thanks for asking that question Isobelle - I'm in the same boat - my lovely first guest just left but no option to revirew. Now I know I have to wait for the airbnb email 24 hours afterwards!