Cannot provide review on our guest

Level 2
Kawakawa, New Zealand

Cannot provide review on our guest

Hi. We just had our first guest staying with us. We would like to leave a review but there is no option to do so. We looked everywhere in addition to the profile section --> reviews by you. There it says "Nobody to review right now." which puzzles me. Any suggestion why we cannot review our guest?

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Brighton, United Kingdom

Isabel - you'll receive an email from airbnb approx 24hrs after guest leaves asking you to review guest. The guest will also get email to review you.

View Best Answer in original post

96 Replies 96

Same with me!

Can we contact Airbnb directly somehow?! 

Any answers on this yet?  It has been 3 days for me since a guest checked out and they want to leave a great review.  Their excitement will obviously die down the longer the time lag so this is extremely frustrating.

Same here! Any news?


I went to live chat and the issue was resolved. They have a technical problem.

 There is a live chat?

Level 2
Hepburn Springs, Australia

I went to the "most helpful review" and it wasnt helpful at all. It has been 96 hours since my guest departed and no review prompt. Sorry but the 24 hour prompt might work sometimes but clearly not all the time. This is an ongoing issue that AirBNB needs to address Cheers Michele

Well, I'm glad to hear that it's not me missing something or going bonkers. A guest checked out several days ago and I kept waiting for the request to review which still hasn't shown up and is not even on my Profile list of reviews to be completed.


I do hope that someone at Airbnb is monitoring this conversation and working on the problem ... and will give hosts a few extra days because of the delay.


I'd call but I'm in Costa Rica and it can get costly.


Hoping for the best, Kathy

I have not encountered this problem so far but until just yesterday. I have brought this to the attention of CS. I am still waiting for the bug fix.

I got the email and duly filled out the stars and the text part of my review and got the message that my review has been submitted, BUT NO it has not.

Level 2
Prescott Valley, AZ

I haven't received an email to review my quest.  It is 2 days now.


Level 1
Primrose Sands, Australia

My guest has not received a message from airbnb to leave a review. He would like to but cannot. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello everyone,


Thank you for posting here. Just to let you know I am feeding all of your reports back to our team and the Tech Team are looking into this. I know some people are receiving their notifications, it can sometime take a few days, but I hope you will receive yours soon.


Do keep me updated on this and if you receive your notification, do let us know here so it gives the whole of the community a better idea of how long it is taking. 


Thanks so much, 🙂




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Level 1
London, United Kingdom

I've hosted five or six guests now, and have been very prompt in my reviews. 

However, I have not had the usual prompt to review the couple who just left - and there is no option to write one proactively - it's just saying I have no one to review .

Anyone have any idea why this may have happened, or how to get around it?


Level 2
Cardiff, United Kingdom

Same here! Was your issue resolved?Best wishes from Wales, Clare

This lack of an Airbnb email to review recent guests has now happened with my last two reservations.  The guest(s) as well are not getting an email to rate me.  What's going on?

Level 2
South San Francisco, CA

Same here. I cannot provide review until I live chat with Airbnb. But I still do not receive a review from my guest yet. Either my guest does not want to leave me a review, or she didn't recieve a review request at all and didn't bother to contact Airbnb to leave me one. I just started being a host. Review is very important to me. Hope Airbnb and can fix this issue asap.