Cannot provide review on our guest

Level 2
Kawakawa, New Zealand

Cannot provide review on our guest

Hi. We just had our first guest staying with us. We would like to leave a review but there is no option to do so. We looked everywhere in addition to the profile section --> reviews by you. There it says "Nobody to review right now." which puzzles me. Any suggestion why we cannot review our guest?

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Brighton, United Kingdom

Isabel - you'll receive an email from airbnb approx 24hrs after guest leaves asking you to review guest. The guest will also get email to review you.

View Best Answer in original post

96 Replies 96

I had the ame problem.  I can not leave a review for my guest.  I didn't reeive an e-mail.  She left on Sunday and it is Tuesday today.  Please help.

24h already passed

I, too, am not getting emails, and also can't choose to review going through the dashboard. 


Similarly, I am not getting reviews.

This happened to me as well. I called Airbnb & he fixed it right away. I think they have a glitch in their system. Is there an Airbnb  Moderator here maybe that person could look into this for us Host's. 

How did you call Airbnb?? I can't find a number
Level 2
South San Francisco, CA

It is hard to contact Airbnb directly. I spent quite a long time to figure out how to contact them by email or Live-chat. Here is the procedure:


  1. Go to Help Center
  2. Click on "Resolve Issue" at the bottom of the left side bar
  3. At the bottom of the page, click on the bar saying "My question is about something else"
  4. Then "What is your question about" category will pop up, choose "Hosting"
  5. Then "What can we help you with" category" will pop up, at the dropdown menu, choose "Account and Profile"
  6. At the next dropdown meun, choose "Review"
  7. Then, at the bottom of the page, click on the "I still need help" button
  8. Choose one option in the next dropdown menu.
  9. Then a messgae box will pop up and you can chooose either live chat or email Airbnb.
Level 2
Cardiff, United Kingdom

Sorted! Thank you so much for the instructions. One was my mistake (I'd reviewed them but they haven't reviewed me yet) & the guy 'manually opened' the other. Thanks SO much for your detailed help with this, best wishes, Clare

Level 2
Annan, United Kingdom

Hi Kevin


Unless I'm missing a trick or the system is different in the US to the UK ...???


There is no "resolve issue" at the bottom of the left hand side bar

If you click on resolve an issue for a particular reservation there is no "its about something else"


I'm stuck!!!


How do I get in touch with the elusive Scarlet Pimpernell that is "Airbnb" by email or Chat?


Martin & Jo


Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello everyone,


The tech team are still working on this. In terms of the delay, some hosts have mentioned having to wait up to 3-4 days to receive their review notification - so hopefully you will receive your shortly.


Please do continue to keep me updated about this I am passing this information back to the team and if you recieve your notification do let us know how long it took as it is a good gage for everyone here. 



In terms of the comments about reaching Airbnb support, you are in luck! Here in the CC there is a stack of information/discussions on this - you can use the search bar found at the top of every page (type 'contact') or as a starting point I would always take a look at the Community Help Guides, these are detailed guides created by hosts here in the CC (there is guide on the different ways you can contact support). 🙂 


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

This issue needs to be resolved and resolved quicky!  As a host, your success or failure depends on your reviews!  Not being able to give or get reviews even effects your Super Host status!  There really is no excuse for such a critical issue being left unresolved after all of this time!  The email review reminders are great, but simply do a tab that host can click to provide a review without your prompting if you are unable to fix this issue.  I have been a host for almost a year now and never had a problem with this until this past month!  This is critical, please fix it!

Same problem here.  I am a bit stunned that this issue has been reported for a month now (at least, this thread is a month old) and still not resolved at the source.  Do all of us have to get our review emails pushed through manually, or what?


Edited to add:  Here is what I just heard from the live chat function:  "Our system has been under maintenance so we are having to manually set up the reviews for many hosts."  For God's sake!

Hi Lizzie!


It looks like the review problem has been going on for a while already...any news on fixing it??


My guests left on the 24th and I can't review them. 😞 



Hi, I have the same problem! We had amazing guests from Germany, who checked out on the 21st April. 

Have not received notification to leave a review!


Level 2
South San Francisco, CA

Hi Martin & Jo,


That's weird. The US site has the "resolve issue" at the bottom of the left side bar. I don't know if there is some difference on the UK site. 



Level 2
Queensland, Australia

Thank you Kevin. I followed your step by step guide and had a chat. Don't know if I achieved anything yet.

