Cockroaches and Refund/New place


Cockroaches and Refund/New place

Two guys I'm interning with for the summer and I rented a house for 13 weeks (currently on week 5), and from the very first day we found bugs, flys, and ants everywhere. It was a nuisance, but we figured we would deal with it, keep things clean, and spray a little bit and now that people are living there full time they wouldn't be growing unchecked. The situation died down a fair bit but we still encounter ants daily, and other bugs occasionally. However, we started noticing cockroaches in the mornings around the showers. Not the big brown and red ones, but cockroaches nevertheless. We mentioned it to the host, who never responded. Then we saw one of the big ones one morning. As its been getting hotter outside we have increasingly seen more and more of the big ones. Last week one was crawling on me right as I was falling asleep, and later that night we found two more in the beds. Our host called the exterminator last week and it was sprayed the next day, but the number of cockroaches we see keeps rising daily. Today we killed 6 big ones and saw another scurry behind the oven before we could get him. I feel bad asking for a refund, and I'm not sure if I can ask for a refund unless we all get one, and I have a feeling they will just want to deal with it since its a cheap place, and we don't know if we would be refunded or not. I've slept only 3-4 sporadic hours a night since the one was crawling on me. Should we alert the host again and get another exterminator? Hope for a refund and find somewhere new?

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello  @Kyle0,

You should definitly alert the host again, when no good result you should contact Airbnb and explain, they can take action and probably provide  help for getting you another accommodation.

Contact Airbnb - A Community Help Guide [UPDATED]

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1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello  @Kyle0,

You should definitly alert the host again, when no good result you should contact Airbnb and explain, they can take action and probably provide  help for getting you another accommodation.

Contact Airbnb - A Community Help Guide [UPDATED]