Community Spotlight: Linda108

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Community Spotlight: Linda108



Hello everyone,


For those of you who have been in the Community Center for a little while, you will remember we have had some fantastic Community Spotlights, where we got to know Andrea (@Andrea), Gerry (@Gerry And Rashid) and Alice (@Alice & Jeff). We have had a little break, but I am pleased to say that we will be back to hosting these more frequently. To recap for those of you who is unfamiliar with this, Community Spotlight is where we ask a member of our community a few questions and get to know them a little better. 🙂


This month, many of you know her very well here in the CC:


La Quinta, CA


How long have you been hosting for and why did you first start?

I have been hosting for a little over 2 years now. I started when Air BNB had a recruitment effort in my area. One of the recruiters helped to get over my internet phobia and got started.


Tell us a little about your listing?

I have a private room in my home that started as a guest room for friends and family. Since it was not used most of the time, my daughter suggested I list with Air BNB. Mind you, I have lived alone for the last 15 years, so the thought of strangers in my home was a HUGE leap. I was so lucky to have really great and interesting guests that after a year, I expanded the space to include a secondary room. This change has allowed me to enjoy different party configurations. Now I have parents with teenagers, non-intimate traveling companions, two couples which is quite fun.


How long have your been part of the Community Center and why did you join?

For the life of me, I cannot remember how I got started with the CC about a year and a half ago. I probably was just wandering around the site because I like to do that. I did use the site to contact another host when I heard about the Home Sharing Clubs and she helped me connect with Air BNB to set one up in my City as well. Now it is easy to make that connection, but it wasn't so easy back then. Then I got hooked on all the information I learned about hosting in other countries along with helpful tips about navigating. Then I found I liked helping other hosts as I always remember how stumped I would get when I was first starting out.


What is your favourite thing about the CC and if you could make it better what one thing would you improve?

Like so many retirees, I like my routine. Now my routine includes daily morning CC log on along with my cup of coffee. The earlier camaraderie I felt with other high posting hosts has diminished a bit with more hosts participating but that is a good thing.


If you could live anywhere else in the world where would it be? Why?

At this stage in my life, adventure in where I live is lower on the list than in my earlier life. I want to always increase my life, but now closeness with family and friends is more important. Since my daughter lives near San Francisco, I would love the many beautiful cities near there. Of course, I would need to win the California Lottery to be able to afford a home there.


Are you more of a film or book person? What was the last film/book you watched/read?

Actually I usually have an audio book in the car with a hard copy book next to the couch where I love to nap! As for films, I am not a block buster film person, but I do like a good film. Recently saw the US film, The Post, about the 1970's publication of the Pentagon Papers which support the anti-Viet Nam war movement. Good history lesson but very appropriate to current US politics. As for a book, just finished Dan Brown's newest book, Origins. Very thought provoking.


Outside of hosting, what interests do you have?

I live in a part of the US known for great weather when most of the country is cold. Love to be outside and enjoy the beauty of the desert. I am a dog owner and in addition to enjoying my own dog, I enjoy watching all dogs interact with both their people and other dogs. Years ago I was an amateur ballroom dance competitor and still love dancing. I am a volunteer for various events here in the desert such as the Palm Springs International Film Festival, The La Quinta Art Festival, The Living Desert Zoo and Botanical Garden. I love having time to not only help through volunteering but also to enlighten and educate myself as well.


What makes you get up on a Monday morning? 🙂

As a retired person, I am not always aware it is Monday 😄 Soooo, what gets me up is the MORNING! I love the morning. I am up very early as I like to hear the first bird, smell the fresh air and ease myself into the day. Of course the downside to my love of morning is that I am rarely awake past 9 at night :P.



Thank you so much Linda for taking part and for sharing a little more about yourself. It is really fascinating to hear. 🙂



Please do feel free to response to Linda with any questions about the above or nice comments, I am sure she would love to hear from you.  






Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

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15 Replies 15

@Gerry-And-Rashid0  You are one of my favorite hosts, look forward to reading your posts.  I think the key to success is related to how closely the listing meets expectations. If you can do something that exceeds expectations, that is even better.  Thanks for educating me, @Gerry-And-Rashid0