Delays in Payouts from some Chinese guests

Level 2
Krabi, Thailand

Delays in Payouts from some Chinese guests

I am trying to ascertain why it is taking AirBNB so long to payout for a Chinese guest we had over a month ago.


When I contacted them (a month ago) they explained that the customer had made a modification to their booking (a month before arriving) and the particular Chinese payment system they use, only allowed AirBNB one transaction, so they had not been paid. They are, apparently trying to get payment from the customer but will not pay us until they do?


1. Why did they not communicate that there was a problem with the payment for the customer BEFORE they arrived? We could have helped.

2. I thought the payment was guaranteed!


Apparently my issue has been escalated and I have been assured that I will receive the payment (but they cannot say when). Since that first conversation, I have heard nothing. I have raised it serveral times since and have had absolutely no response.


This makes me believe that this is a much bigger problem that I thought and potentially there are many owners having this problem. Is that the case? If so, should  I seek a confirmation from AirBNB that the customer's payment has gone through BEFORE allowing them into my property?


Others experiences would be helpful

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

They are, apparently trying to get payment from the customer but will not pay us until they do?...



Great! So if they never get a payment then you will not be paid. This is not right, Airbnb is in charge of our payments and they should :

- either cancel the reservation before arrival ,

- or let you know so you could charge your guest in cash on arrival or

- Airbnb should pay you from his pocket.


btw, did you at least get a first half of your payment?

Level 7
Edens Landing, Australia

I agree without confirmation I would not let them stay, yes cash on arrival would be the only way I would let them stay. I would rather forgo the reservation rather than let someone stay and have to fight for payment.