Editing location

Level 1
Oloron-Sainte-Marie, France

Editing location

Have been hours and days!  2 hours waiting on my super host hotline. 

I must edit my location. I read about this problem on  several forums. Spaces all grey, a post comes up saying , I can not adjust the information, I must add a new listing.   I am stuck, and the map has picked me upon the other side of no where.  Help


Thanks, this is my last effort.  

1 Reply 1

@Patricia415 - Your listing looks charming and inviting.  It will definitely appeal to a certain group of travels!  A few bits of information for you and a few things to consider. First, there is no super host hotline.  Second, you are not a SuperHost so, unfortunately, there is no priority for your call and it's not an emergency.  Third, you don't have any reviews yet nor does it appear that you've had any bookings.  You could call the help line again and wait for them to make this adjustment or you can post a new listing and correct the address - there is no detrement to you other than a few minutes of work.  Forth, you could easily alter your listing description to make note of the incorrect map on your listing to make sure that guests read the "getting around" section of your description where you can make it crystal clear where you are in relation to any number of landmarks.  Fifth, after some review, in your "getting around" section, you say that the home is in Bétéré.  When I do a side by side with Google Maps, the location circle that Airbnb uses is in the area of Bétéré.  It's not meant to be an exact location for security and privacy, just a general area for people trying to stay near certain landmarks.

Hope some of this helps and happy hosting!