booking with some advance time

Level 1
New York, NY

booking with some advance time

Hello, I was wondering if anyone is aware if a host can set-up something that gives him/her a few days to get the place ready. So for example, my property is listed as available asap but my prefrence would be to always give me 2-3 days to prepare for arrival. Possible?




2 Replies 2
Level 10
San Marcos, TX

@Paula194, yes it is, though as far as I know you can only buffer two nights between your reservations.

Here's how:

1. Access the Your Listing settings via a browser on your laptop or PC.

2. Select View Listing

3. Click on the Availability Settings on the upper right of that page.

4. Tap on Reservation Settings, and you'll see several options, including a pull down menu under "Preparation time." Here you can choose to have a one- or two-day buffer before and after each booking.


Hope this helps!


Carl and Diane



Thanks so much!