Guest canceled (by message), should I leave a review?

Level 1
Havana, Cuba

Guest canceled (by message), should I leave a review?

Hi people around 🙂 It´s my first question in the airbnb comunitity and I´d appreciate any input about it.

I had a guest who canceled by message her only one booked night the day before check-in. She did not make official her cancelation so everything kept normal. Now should I leave a review for her as airbnb guidelines set?

Thank you!

3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

The guest did not stay so it would be very difficult to review her. It would be just as unfair for her to review you. From what you say it sounds like you got paid as per your cancellation policy?
Level 2
British Columbia, Canada

If you do the review, you could just say that the guest cancelled at the last minute so you didn't get a chance to meet him/her.  There is a place with the review section, where you can leave a message for Airbnb so this is where you might let them know that she didn't properly cancel the reservation.  They might then choose to get in touch with her.


If you want more support, contact Airbnb directly.

Level 1
Havana, Cuba

Yes I got paid since she didnt cancelled officiallybut through message, and less than 24 hours before. Thanks for answering!